Win 7 vs 8 Revisited

I posted this awhile back, but I still find myself debating this over and over. Windows 8. What a mixed bag it is. It seems from al the enhancements it has (faster boot times, more detailed monitoring software) it seems as if it takes five steps back in terms of a desktop operating system. Again, one of the most highly debatable topics is the removal of the start button. While it is true you can get it back via CLassicShell or (my favorite) Start8, I feel so infuriated that I, the user, have to go through the painful process of getting the desktop to be as feature rich and as loved for as WIndows 7 was. Don't get me wrong, on a touch-screen or Tablet I think Windows 8 is a wonderful OS. However this is the question I keep deabting on: Is these minor improvements worth the hasle and headache of trying to bring back a productive and familiar Desktop experience I got from Windows 7? (Gadgets, Start Button, etc.) I use Windows 8. My laptop I recieved over Holiday came with Windows 8. While I can get it to be as productive as can be, I have compatibility and bugs with Chrome of all things; not to mention getting back the start button and Windows Gadgets. I find myself torn in a struggle which I can't decide. I have an opportunity to build a fairly decent gaming rig, and this is why my head hurts. IS these minor improvements worth compatibility, ease of use, and familiarity? I'd love to hear your opinions. I wonder if Logan can read this? :D I'd exponentially value his opinion. Thanks for your time guys, have an awesome Passover (If you celebrate it).

Note: I find that Microsoft works in a hit or miss pattern with Windows. Vista, sucked. Windows 7, great. Windows 8, meh.

Linus had made video where W8 gives better results in gaming, a few frames average no biggy, but improvents exist when it comes to min fps.


Btw, I would still go for W7..

Btw, why just not take pirated windows 7 & 8 and see for your self what will suit you best

I've already tried WIndows 7 and 8, but for some reason I just can't come to heart on which one I like better.

If you whant windows 8 wait for the service pack to come out.

I found windows 8 buggy so i will be sticking to windows 7 and linux for now

I understand that. On my laptop I have compatibility issues with Chrome. Like literally what the fuck. I'd never think Windows would have trouble with an x86 program.

I use Windows 8, I got it for $15 a year or so ago and haven't looked back since. 7 was an excellent OS,  but I like 8 just fine. 8 has improved my boot time and offers some cool additions. Honestly, I do not see any huge issues or bugs with it, and it works for me. However,  7 will be supported for another 10 years or so, so stay with it if you want. 

windows blue will come out this summer ☻the big question is will it be just an update, or will it be an new os..

Go look at the Verge's hands on. It's a minor update.

That's one of the major awesomeness of Windows. Huge ass life span. :P

I've made a shocking decision. I'm staying with Windows 8.