From the last MS press conference/announcements of Windows 10 and their supposedly focus on PC Gaming, I cant understand why some people were so complacent with the whole presentation.
If you are are a PC gamer you should have been discussed, how they claim they are now want to give proper attention to PC games and instead they give you the middle finger.
Lets say that on an alternate reality where MS would be really giving a fuck about PC Gamers this is what they would have announced:
- New game hub from on your windows desktop that integrates all your Steam, Origin, uPlay, GOG, and more games and friends list in one easy to use complete interface with support to third parties plugins and customization
- New USB dongle supports X360 and XONE Controllers
- PC games can play their games on a TV using a XONE or X360 as a stream device
- Simultaneous release of all Microsoft Studios title on XONE and PC
- Cross-buy for all Microsoft Studios titles, buy on PC or XBONE and get the version on the other platform for free,
That is what would really make PC Gamers happy, and not that shit about "you can now play the XONE game and stream to your PC" - Who the fuck wanna use a shitty machine to stream to a powerful one???
MS, until you come up with something similar to what has been mentioned here, please cut the "Focus on PC Gamers" bullshit.
They don't care at all, until all gamers switch to Linux. They probably won't care as well cause they are gonna make money in business and general consumers.
Unless Mac OS somehow eats a large market share then they will start to care.
EDIT: I think Lizard Squad is going to DDOS the entire Microsoft services pretty soon.
Why can't my PC version of <Latest FPS here> that is launched for PC/XBOX like say ... call of duty or whatever.
Why can't PC players STILL not connect to XBOX Live network and expand the amount of people we can play with?
As Logan put it, Keyboard and Mouse win 10/10.. Is that why? ... (hint hint, pcgaming master race satire via pistol...)
But I think what Wendell said is correct that its just a non gaming PR decision to make money and focus gaming to their own xbox hardware so they can make more money in that ecosystem than focusing on the people who actually spend real money to use windows to play games.
I'm an equal opportunity OS person and as much as I like MacOS for its slim line functionality over the driver-hell linux it will never make headway as a prominent OS unless their hardware prices drop or they add more support for hackentosh.
Games won't make it to linux until developers stop focusing so much on DirectX so they can make them cross platform. Again, this is more of an praise to open source platform for game development.
Lets face it, PC gamers and teck heads wouldn't be running windows if we didn't have to because of games.
Across a number of tech/PC gaming related forums, I've seen quite a few people express the fact that they want to use Linux as a daily OS but are [essentially] forced to use windows solely for gaming.
That tide is turning, though. It may be turning slowly, but it is in fact turning. ;)
you wont be disappointed i have a 153 hours into it and its still not boring, but its definitely a game to play when you just want to sit and relax, not when you want to REK some people.
SCS software will be releasing American Truck Simulator this year so that will likely be the best time to pick up ETS2
I wouldn't say that I enjoy windows. There are a lot of obvious features missing, it easily breaks and a it's PITA to restore if you don't run automated backups.
It's just that it works well enough and provides a good platform for software. Well, OSX could easily rival if it was officially available and supported on non-apple hardware, but it seems that apple is not interested in that. So there's just no competition, as desktop linux is simply not a good platform to develop software for, commercial or otherwise.
you can if you get your truck REKT. but you can always recover the same save. i wrecked my truck early on 2 shipments in a row and it set me back pretty far. if you damage a load too much you go in the red. ETS2 also got online up ad running which is pretty cool.