I am building a computer and i am not sure if this will work can i use the Corsair Professional 750W 80 PLUS Gold http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cmpsu750hx with the Titan? Will i have enough amps to the 12v rail?
Probably, but it depends on the rest of your build, do you want to go ahead and post the pcpartpicker build list for your complete build?
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1lanL here it is if you wanna look it over
Yeah that PSU will do just fine.
For future reference if you look at the top right it shows you the estimated wattage at full system power. Provided your PSU is over that number a decent amount and the PSU is 80+ rated you're all good.
i know your question is baout the PSU but im just a bit curious about why your using 3rd gen i7 instead of 4th gen?
That PSU is way too large.
Also, get a 780, not a Titan. It is more than you will ever need. Invest that money into a better CPU cooler, motherboard, and more SSD.
I'd get a Seasonic G 360 for this rig, if not something like a Rosewill Capstone 450M.