I know that my CPU is bottle necking my GPU, I will soon upgrade.
Or maybe, you guys can give me specs of a 350$ Gaming PC that can run BF3 on medium or high. I would like to have an Intel Based or AMD Based (not APU)
no actually hes wrong about needing 4 cores cause my brother has an i3 3220 and 660 non-ti and can run it on ultra with around 60fps. But with your setup probably on med settings.
no your wrong as i3 has hyper threading which is four threads smarty pants. I recomended a 660ti as random card to ensure that you have a decent frame consistently through out the game.
you don't need to run the game on ultra seriously, just play on high and get 80+ frames, there isn't that much of a difference between ultra and high, just the fps.