Will this run BF3 on max

AMD Athlon ii x2 250

Palit Geforce 650ti OC Edition

Kingston 4GB RAM 1333mhz

Windows 32bit


I know that my CPU is bottle necking my GPU, I will soon upgrade.

Or maybe, you guys can give me specs of a 350$ Gaming PC that can run BF3 on medium or high. I would like to have an Intel Based or AMD Based (not APU) 

That processor will not run well at all with BF3 because BF3 loves to utilize 4 or more cores. I do have an evga gtx 650 ti 2gb SSC version with an amd fx-4100 cpu and I get 36 fps minimum and average in the 40's on max settings. What power supply and motherboard do you have?

You could get an athlon ii x3 with a mobo that can unlock to get 4 cores. Thatll boost performance for sure. But maybe a pentium g2020 would outperform it. Idk. Im still new to this too lol.

well check and see if your mobo is a am3 or a am3+ if it a am3 then get a amd phenom 965be if it a am3+ then get a amd fx 6300 or a fx 4100 from that rig the main probleme is the cpu trie to spare your ram and gpu and power supply case and dont go for intel pentum you get more performance per dollar from a amd phenom 965be 

what resolution? because my 7850 can barely handle it on ultra

as for the cpu, my old core 2 duo machine go 30 fps on all low (but that was intel at 2ghz, .4 below minium)