will a Q6600 2.4Ghz (1.6Ghz) bottleneck a GTX 280?
why would it bottleneck it?
lol no not at all man
Yes it will bottleneck it. u need 3ghz+ to not bottleneck it.
well this CPU is like 2 years old and its kinda slow and i cant overclock it cause the multipliers locked, so yea
the locked multiplier doesnt meanu cant OC, and g33k, stfu and gtfo XD
Why don't you increase the bus speed Captain Asian?
if u want to be safe just give it a oc, 2.8-3.0 ghz is a walk in the park on the q6600 even without a high end cooler. gpus are getting to the point were they are the most powerful component in your computer so im sure you could end up being bottlenecked by it, but a q6600 is not going to be the primary bottleneck in your system. with these better cards your cpu is going to be doing less work and you will probably never experience any problems caused by it. do you really care that if you only get 160fps in half life 2 instead the 170 you would get with one of intels 1000 dollar cpus. the q6600 is still one of the best price to performance cpus out, i mean amd is just now making a quad core thats almost as good as it. just give it a slight oc and dont worry about it your system will tare up games.
you can overclock any cpu even if it is a locked multiplier :P this is why i quit the forums cuz of you blood.
i dont really know anything about overclocking or any of that stuff, i just know how
to build a system and set drives up in the bios.
well thats the thing, i dont know how to overclock anything, besides evga video cards.
how do you do that?
just raise the front side bus, that's how you overclock stuff with locked multipliers, and for that, you need to know how it works, the multiplier multiplys what the FSB is so if you have a multiplier of x8 and a bus speed of 333mhz you get 2.66ghz, so if you up the that bus speed to 375mhz, with the multiplier of x8, you get 3.00ghz, sometimes you get the bus speed in 1000's like on my motherboard, so you just double that, mine is 1333mhz, double that is 2.66ghz, if i want 3ghz, i do 1500, i get 3.00ghz. but the higher you go, the more voltage you need to keep it stable, try reading around
awwww crap thats seems like so much work and math...would anybody know anything bout doing what Evo_Spec said with a 780i A1? where in the bios should i go to do this?
i'm not sure about that motherboard but somewhere around advance chipset features somethhing like that or other variations but i think you could find it if you looked
ok... answered this in another topic...
anyway, you need to get the q6600 to 3.0 ghz... should be really simple... if you need help let us know... but make sure you tell us what motherboard, ram, and bios you are using... also what cooling and temps.
most games are faster on a 3.0ghz core2duo than on a 2.4 quad cause most games are not yet optimized for quad... keep the quad and OC for the best performance...
then again... that 3.0 ghz dual core can easily OC to 4.0 ghz....