Will this be enough?

Hey guys,


I just wanted to double check if a 760 watt PSU will be enough in this set up, PC Part Picker gives a calculation of 475w but I've heard things like "add 150w to that" so I just wanted to be sure.


Quick note: I've got the Asus Formula VI board, I just put the Extreme as a place holder and I have to assume the power usage of the Formula will be very similar. 


Thanks a lot! 

Yeah, you should be fine with that power supply. You could probably even add a second video card with that power supply.

I always recommend this site for figuring out power consumption for both best case and worst case scenarios when it comes to power draw:


There is a lot else that I would change with that rig, including the PSU. Yes, it is big enough. A lot more than big enough, it's huge! You could fit two more 780s with that PSU. I'd get a 360 to 450W PSU for a single GPU.

Please do share! I'd love to hear your input. 


And thanks a lot for the quick replies, I do eventually plan to get another 780 in the future so being able to expand.


The reason I picked that specific power supply was so that I can get a seamless connection with the H100i cooler and use the sofftware to moniter and tweak things. 

I don't know if he could throw two more 780s in there. He'd probably need a little more power than that for triple sli, but he could definitely do dual sli with it.

this again?

GTX 760, 250 watts.

i7-4770K, 85 watts.

2 sticks kingston Beast, 22 watts.

fans, 32 watts.

blueray drive, 35 watts.

Hard drive, 35 watts.

Solid state drive, really not worth mentioning. a mere .07 watts, load up on em'

SOOOOOOO- thats 459.07 watts. sure- a good 450 watt power supply *could*provide that- thats only in a freezer, under ideal circumstances. a 360? one second while I laugh.

Also- this is before Overclocking, I'd imagine the 780 could draw the same 315 watts OC'd as a 7970 can. and a i7-4770K could draw upto 117 watts before it melts due to bad thermal design.

face it brennan, a 360 or 450 watt PSU is not capable of powering a modern high end gaming computer. a 550 is the lowest advisable.