Nice build, i would have gone with a 7970 as you get free games bundled, unless you have use for PhysX and CUDA?
I would also go with the 990FXA-GD80 from MSI.
As it is, it is a nice capable build, but not exactly the best for value/performance.
I was planing on adding another 680 in a few months and a bigger power supplie but right now i just need a pc.
I have tweaked your build a little to get more for your money:
I completely agree with this build here, except maybe the choice of SSD. I personally would stick with the Kingston HyperX 3k, but thats just me. I feel like ASUS is a more reliable company, but are bad for OC as MSI is a great brand to overclock with. Also if you plan to overclock just go with the 8320 instead of the 8350, it's $30 cheaper for almost the exact same thing.
Yeah, nice build but I would go with the 7870, its a tiny bit better. The only reason I would go with a 680 is if I needed the Cuda to help me with CS5 and such.
i just edited the topic starter build.