Will the wired internet connection ever disapear?

Considering the implementation of of 5G in countries such as South Korea, do you think that the wired internet connection will disappear, if so what sort of time scale do you think a phase out would take place?

Some day it might, but not anytime soon.

There are multiple problems with wireless networks in terms of supporting internet backbone (not to mention security). At this current time it is very much speed that is a limiting factor. 

In testing, the transfer speeds for the “5G” network sent data at 1.056 Gbit/s to a distance of up to 2 kilometres

Athough that is A LOT for a wireless network over quite a large distance; what then happens once your at those 2Km (Or however far the signal shall carry reasonable speed) before it needs to be repeated? You then start to add latency as devices need to receive and repeat the signal.

Also it's speed (currently) is no where near that of which capable with a physical transmission medium. Take the case of the recent test in the UK, where Alcatel-Lucent and BT achieved 1.4 Tbit/s. This was achieved on an existing fibre link as well, not some bizzare tech. (so any existing fibre can be quickly upgraded to new speeds)

Interesting Fact
TAT-14 (Transatlantic Telecomunnication cable) is a 4 pairs of fibres that can carry a whopping 3.2Tbit/s. It is also nearly 16,000Km long.

Wireless has a long way to go before it can ever achieve the speeds and distance that physical links can achieve (and be good enough to serve as an internet backbone). But possibly, some day it will.


Considering south korea is the size of kentucky in comaprison to any other state in the US it wouldn't be as easy and it would cost considerably more. You also have to factor in the fcc which just does whatever the commiecast, verizon etc want so maybe 15-20 years if not more?

It was close to happening in Australia and well I dont have a problem with "Wireless" connections if they surpass wired connections in speed and bandwidth. Notice Speed and bandwidth are not the same thing though commonly confused by people who run countries. In all Honesty we dont need gigabit internet. sure it would be nice but hey why do we need it? And seeing as 5G has gigabit speeds on a wired connection, Why dont we use that?

Reason is latency. Also known as ping and while it does not disrupt most people inetrnet access as we dont need to worry about latency for watching youtube or browsing facebook but for gamers and people streaming data, Latency is a huge problem and one thats completely overlooked by 90% of people who make decisions on the infrastructure. Take a look at the Titanfall Beta. The Publisher decided that there should be no server in Australia so not only did a large number of people in Victoria Australia unable to connect to the servers but everyone in australia and New Zealand found they had Latencies of 200ms or more.

Latency is a huge issue and while bandwidth can be covered by current wireless connections, Latency can be terrible. I get 8ms on a Cable connection to local servers but 50 on my phone. Yet outside of the state im looking at 90ms on both Cable and 3G. The current infrastructure that supports faster speeds is Fiber and until Wireless connections can support that speed then wired is the only way forward. 

However there is work going into near instantaneous communication over near infinite distances using paired sub atomic particles. Where two particles are in a pair and while separated, What happens to one also happens to another. However there are issues because "Observing" these particles changes their state.

I hope it never goes away. I know it's not a problem for many people, but my house has horrendous interference problems with the wireless due to a bunch of crap. For a long time our wireless would go down at almost exactly 1 AM, 9 AM, 1 PM, and 9 PM every single day. That got old quick. The wired connection has never gone down as far as I can tell except for when the power goes out or whatever.

On the topic of the TAT-14, that's a terabyte of data every two and a half seconds.

The men and women with not as much technological experence will just use the massive towers to connect there devices, the smart and techies will use the now cheap fiber and live close to the towers and not have a bandwidth cap.

'Wired' will always be -available-, we're not gonna stop mounting cables to appartments anytime soon despite what's wirelessly available, connectivity is the newest necessity, just like water & electricity. Cat cabling have already replaced traditional phonelines, fttx has been the new de facto for some time, most of the televisions are iptv's. Yes more and more people use the mobile network even to distribute the connection to the whole household but all wireless traffic is just a horrible mess when there's a lot of traffic or interference in the air... it's like cable but worse; cable is shit because the bandwith is shared with the local households, with mobile the one base station is shared with everyone in range.

You really need to be more specific. What wired internet?

Regardless the answer is no. Wired communications are going nowhere. How wired communications will change over the years is a little different though.