Okay, so i'm thinking about getting an R9 290 for my build the problem is i think there might be some incompatibility issues that may occur so i would like to verify if any of this would happen.
Current Build:
AMD FX 6300
Asus M5A97 LE R2.0
Radeon HD 6640
Corsair CX 500w
Proposed Graphics Update:
XFX R9 290 dd
Sapphire R9 290 Tri-x
I can see where the possible problems can be as my power supply is only 500 watt but when i ran a stress test my computer was only pulling 149 watts out of the wall. The max tdp of the R9 290 is 275 watts so would there still be problem here? as the watts would be under the 500 watt power supply threshold.
If you go with the tri-X OC, like i did, if it does not have a vbios of 0.45xxxxxx then you will be having errors because of the new amd driver. if you dont get an oc version then you will be fine. just thought you should know. but all i had to do was flash a new bios and it works perfectly.
That said, in a few months, the 300 series should hit the market. You could wait until then, but I really hate waiting for "the next big thing" like that. Up to you though, just thought I would let you know that it is an option.
Just want an improved performance now tbh i know that the 300 series may be better than offerings from nvidia in the coming months which would be cool thing to see happen but im fine with the 200 series plus the R9 290 is dirt cheap right now.