Will R9 390 work with 500W PSU?

Looking for an upgrade. MSI R9 390 or Sapphire R9 390.
Exact model of the power supply: FSP (Fortron) Aurum S 500W 80+ Gold (39 amps on 12V rail).

Not willing to overclock the card (until I get a higher watt PSU at least). Will it be okay?

Other system specs:
Gigabyte B85 Gaming board
Core i5 4570 CPU
1x stick of 8GB

Also, I know the GTX 970 uses less power but both the 970 and R9 390 costs the same in Australia (500 AUD) and the 390 is BY FAR the better choice cause 8GB VRAM (compared to 3.5 gigs lol) and better support for DX12.

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Mate you should be good

Both those cards will top out around 310W under load, so you're fine. May want to look at something a LITTLE higher wattage if you have some money to throw at a PSU later on, but you're good now.

What's your current card and display?

R9 380 (Sapphire). Running custom OC 1060MHz Core and 1500MHz RAM.
Current display is 1080p but willing to upgrade to 1440p later down the line.

yeah it should work fine but you may want to step up to a 600w to be safe

Really not worth upgrading at all from a 380 man, just wait for the new GPUs to come out in a few months

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It only has 2GB VRAM which is bit problematic for me. Fallout 4 had insane stuttering sometimes (most probably cause of the VRAM.).

But performance difference between R9 380 and 390 is quite substantial, right?

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maybe 20-30%? but just turn down your textures man, or if you must upgrade you could maybe go for a 380X and sell the card you have now to save some cash, but ya that's why I recommend the 4GB 380 models lol.

I guess if the price difference between the 380X and 390 isn't too much go for it? but really if you can hold out in a few months you're going to get 20-30% more performance for the same amount of money you're spending now, so that's better for the long run.

One thing to consider is how much you games.
For example my daughters rig has a 380 watt Antec PSU on her 7870k. When upgrade time came I went with a cheap r7 250 and spent more on a drop dead gorgeous 27 inch monitor.
If it was mine I would drop a 380 in there in a heartbeat. I am the dad so I am allowed to take chances and get my stupid on.

Polaris is coming. When it comes she gets her 480 and my 7850k gets dual gfx

yeah you will be fine. Ran an R9 290 Tri X OC on a CX500 on a Firestrike test and a few games on League of Legends. It ran toasty. You will be fine.

ps The cx500 is a low quality budget power supply and FSP power supplies are decent.

Primarily because Fallout ran suboptimal to say the least on AMD cards at launch, I don't have Fallout 4 so I can't tell you from first hand experience but I believe I heard AMD is still struggling with it but I can't find the video right now which it was stated in. Can give you the comparison from the launch though, smooth with 970 and constant dips on the 390 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15wOp7_dD8E

AMD drivers for Fallout 4 were fixed a couple weeks ago at least.

As far as the graphics card goes, as long as you aren't shooting for insane oc's (like over 1200mhz) you'll be fine.

Then there is no reason speaking against the 390, 500w may be cutting it a bit close but he should be fine

Edit: Besides the obvious reason that there will be Polaris in a few months

500W could work, aslong as it is a decent one.

Also in terms of 390 vs GTX970.
Both cards are realy close in terms of performance.
Some games run better on the 970 others run better on the 390.
But overall they are pretty close in terms of performance arround the board.
The 3.5GB of usable vram on the GTX970 is indeed a thing,
however the 8GB of vram on the 390 isnt realy that much of a benefit either for most games.

The Divison used 4.4 gb on my 390, just cause 3 got close to 4 gb aswell and from what I hear Rise of Tomb Raider eats vram too as if there is no tomorrow, you can probably get away with the 970 in most cases, but I didn't pay 350€ for "most cases"
So far it seems that I made the right bet with the 390 and I can just recommend it to everyone.

it will work just fine as a temporary solution. using a at 90% of its rated wattage is hard on all of the components and will lead to fast deterioration. to be safe i do recommend a 650 watt PSU for all builds with a upper tier graphics card. the best results are had when the peak load is near 80% of PSU rated wattage, as that is where the 80+ ratings come from.

Yeah current standings are AMD's cards all gained 20-30% in Fallout 4 because they worked out how to disable the GameWorks shit. They give higher and more consistent framerates now than any GeForce cards. Pretty huge turn around.

Well i would personaly grab a 390 aswell atm.
But according to most benchmarks i have seen, they are pretty close in terms of performance.
Some games work better on the 970 others on the 390.
Shadow or mordor does indeed higly favor the 390.
And there might be a few more games indeed.
It just highly depends on the games you play the most basicly.

But yeah not sure wenn the new gpu´s are going to be pressent.