Will my wattage be enough?


I am considering 2-way SLI for EVGA Superclocked ACX 2.0 GTX 980s (or any 980 in general) and I have the following system:

(according to pcpartpicker there would be tons of room in terms of the PSU but not according to eXtreme Power Supply Calculator, it would be around 718 which is too much). The PSU is Corsair AX750

It would be close. Personally I'd go with 850 at a minimum.

Also why two 980s? I'd rather go with one 980 Ti or Fury X.

980 Ti is great but the problem is where to get an aftermarket one (EVGA preferrably), and for a price that is not 800€ (I am in EU), they haven't appeared in Mindfactory which is the cheapest one in EU yet. I have made a decision that by the end of the week I will either get a Ti or two 980s, being with a Reference 290X is suffering.

What resolution are you playing at?

also why such an old processor? instead of gietting the solid gold ram, get cheaper and get a better cpu. Also, i second @DerKrieger, if you're running double. go 850 watt. and make sure you get a psu with 60+ amps on the 12V rail.

That is the system he already has. He is just upgrading his GPU and was listing his system so we could see what he has and take it into consideration when looking at his wattage needs. That is why he has an old processor. That being said the 3770K is still amazing.

1080p now but I am getting 1440p or 4k in a few months. Dunno yet, depends on my money situation but definitely going bigger.

I would go with a i7 4770 or i7 4790k great single thread performance on both. The i7 4790k is top dawg when it comes to single thread performance which games absolutely love

Okay well keep this in mind then.

nVidia cards do not do so well at higher resolutions over 1080p. Especially at 4K.

At 1080p the 980 is a very fast card however at 4K its lead disappears. An R9 290X, which can't beat a 980 at 1080p, will be as fast or a tiny bit slower than a 980 at 4K. The newer 390X thanks to some tweaks, higher clock speeds and more VRAM is generally always faster than a 980 at 4K. Both the 290X and 390X will be cheaper than even one 980.

As you already have one 290X it might be worth it to just get another. You do have a reference card which do run hot and loud and throttle so you may want to get a different 290X instead to replace it if you don't want to deal with that one anymore. But two R9 290Xs are way overkill for 1080p and very good at 4K. I have two R9 290s and can max most games at 4K no problem. So look at getting another one or getting an R9 295X2. All the power and speed of two R9 290Xs but in a cool and quiet package. You will need more than 850W of power though but as you need a new PSU for two 980s I'd say it isn't an issue.

Keep in mind price here. At least in the states it goes like this:

Cheapest R9 290: $240
Cheapst R9 290X: $270
Cheapest R9 390: $329
Cheapest R9 390X: $430
Cheapst R9 295X2:$640
Cheapst GTX 980: $500

In this case I'd go with two R9 290 for less than one 980 or the 295X2. However in Europe things may work out differently with price. But for 4K I'd go AMD.


He isn't upgrading his CPU nor does he need to.

We are talking GPUs and what he will be getting next.

Someone asked why such and old cpu

Yes and neither you or he read the original post or my explanation for why he has a 3770K listed.

Why are people suggesting cpu upgrades? I have a 3770, even if it was running at stock there would be no point in upgrading it. As for the question - yes it would be enough, but the 850w would leave more power to spare.

Because they didn't read OP's post or my clarification....

I will definitely consider my options, however I have not owned an nVidia card in a decade so it would definitely be a breath of fresh air, figuratively.