Will my cpu be the bottleneck?

I am extremely uncertain as to where was best to post this question so I put it here, but lets get on with it.


I am looking toward upgrading my graphics to either the future 390x or whatever Nvidia will release to compete with it (980 TI?) and was curious if my CPU will cause a bottleneck in games. we of course do not know exactly how powerful these cards will be but my cpu is only a i5-2500k @ 4.3 ghz. I wonder if my cpu will be a significant bottleneck since i have seen benchmarks of crysis 3 with even just a 970 have around a 5-6 frame difference at max settings between using a haswell i5 or a haswell i7. seemingly with my overclock I am close to stock haswell i5's in performance. 

last minute thoughts, if going amd in a mantle supported game would cpu bottleneck (if there is one) lessen significantly?

any input/speculation is greatly appreciated.


Probably only in a few CPU bound games, but otherwise you'd be fine for 1 or maaaybe 2 more generations, but I would definitely make the CPU your next investment after you GPU, but it'll be a big investment due to also needing a new motherboard. Unless you have less than 8GB or RAM, i'd bring that up to or above 8GB before a CPU/Motherboard upgrade.

nope the 2500k will be totaly fine ☺

I've was doing some fairly CPU intensive stuff on an i5 750 which is roughly in the ballpark of a 2500k...still fast as hell, I'd probably be happy if that was my only cpu, for now.

That CPU should last you another 2-3 years if you don't abuse it with ridiculous overclocking