So GTA V has been around for a while now and still no PC version. But the game is pushing the consoles to their absolute limits and still looks absolutely awe full. This game has great potential in terms of graphics and performance on PC and may even be the next Crysis for benchmarkers.
I would be interested to hear what you guys on the forum think about this.
I'm personally anticipating a next-gen/PC release of GTA5. I think they purposely pushed back the release date from the Spring of 2013 in order to coincide with the next-gen release, and maximise on a re-release of GTA5. Much like the latest Tomb Raider. Though, I don't think we can even begin to speculate about graphics at all. I wouldn't expect anything breathtaking until there's a HD mod released in the PC community.
It may not be breath taking but itll still probably be taxing. Its a big world its gotta simulate and even console shows some pretty impressive lighting effects. And as far as a pc and next gen port goes didnt they say they werent goint to do one?
There's no way to predict how good of a benchmark the game will be. Just because the game is taxing does not mean it will be a great benchmark. Using Metro 2033 for example; it is a highly intensive game but it has VERY specific hardware preferences. My friend ran the game on ultra with a 5750 silent edition, but couldn't get the same frames with a gtx480. We just have to wait and see how well they optimize their engine.
Nope, it won't, Maybe not because of how taxing the game is but because of the other games on the market.
Lets say the graphics on GTA 5 PC will be as good as the graphics in the trailer, compare that to BF4 on ultra, Crysis 3 on ultra, it just does not compare. I can make an educated guess about this because the pc version will most likely not use any new technologies but just be a scaled up version of what it was on console with some exrta FX.