SO basically i am buying an FX 6300 along with 8GB ram and an ASUS Sabertooth 990FX but im worried it will bottleneck my GTX 580 in the games i play, Crysis 1,2,3 Skyrim Battlefield Bad company 2 BF3 and BF4.
So like the title says will an FX 6300 bottleneck me in those games?
However since you wanne buy a sabertooth, i would take the FX8320 in concideration, its not that much more expensive then the FX6300, but it could be worth it. especialy if you stream.
(My fx6300 OC to 4.0ghz bottlenecked xfire 7950's on a 990fx board)
Why a 990fx? A 970fx would be alright for a single GPU with slight OC, even if you OC its only a 2-5 frames increase.
I highly recommend getting a 8320/8350 chip, save $ by getting a 970 MOBO and use that savings for the CPU.
(i own fx6300/8320/8350) why i own all 3.... i was like you asking around and looking at synthetic benchmarks and lead me to assume fx6300 was good... But it isn't, Its a budget CPU..... If you're playing old games, its fine.
Let me warn you.
Bf3 fx6300/amd 7950 @ 1440p all settings ultra on 64player metro (min fps 35).
Bf3 fx8350/amd 7950 @ 1440p all settings ultra on 64player metro (min fps 45+).
Get a 8320/8350 along with a 970 board for a better fps boost.
If you have alittle more $ get a 990fx if you want to sli/xfire in future.
Long answer, It should not in most circumstances however in CPU bound games that only run on a single core, or are poorly optimized for multi core performance, such as Arma or Wold of tanks, then any AMD chip is going to have fits.
However i would highly recommend an 8320, they do a bang up job and the 8 threads a nice touch.