Will a 7870 be enough?

Alright so im really wanting to get a new graphics card. I was looking at the iceQ 7870 but im not sure if it's enough to run next gen games like battlefield 4 or gta 5. Or if it is im not sure if my system will hold back the card. This is my system-


Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-A55M-DS2 FM1 AMD A55

CPU: AMD A8-3870K Unlocked Llano 3.0GHz  Radeon 6550

Ram: corsair vengance 8gb

Psu: solid gear neutron 450w 80+ bronze 

HDD: seagate barracuda 500gb 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb

So should I get the 7870 and hope for the best? Or should i pick up a new motherboard and cpu and maybe like an i3? If the 7870 isnt enough what can I get for around $250 or so that will play next gen game?

7870 will play next gen games quite easily. Anything upwards of a 7770GHz will result in playable performance.

The 7870 is probably about the limit of your system. Your A8 and PSU won't handle anything higher. The A8 will bottleneck the GPU a little. 7850 might be a better match.

If I'm not mistaking the 7870 is the gpu for the next gen consoles so you should be fine.

ok awesome. Thanks guys. Isnt the 7850 a little better?

my bad i was looking at the 7950

would the i3 be a good upgrage? with this so i can upgrade to an i5---http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130655

You can buy an 8320 for the same price as an i3. The AMD octa-core processors are equal in gaming performance to the Intel i5 range and AMD motherboards are cheap.

Cheapest upgrade I would recommend is a quad Phenom and a 970 mobo. There isn't much on the FM2 socket, unfortunately.


Included a 7850 to show the total investment.

ok thanks

What 7870 is the best?

What is bottlenecking?