Will a 750w psu run my system?

CPU: amd fx 6300

CPU COOLER: hyper 212 evo

GPU: gigabyte radeon 7950 x 2

MOTHERBOARD: msi g46 atx am3+

RAM: 8gb (2 dimms) ddr3 1600

STORAGE: 1tb 7200 rpm 3.5"

OPTICAL DRIVE: asus dvd/cd writer

and still have room for the extras like my keyboard/mouse/moniter thanks!


probably,,,, you can put it all together in pc partpicker and it will show you an estimated wattage. knowing how power hungry the amd cpu's are, u might want an 850w

i reccomend this one:



would it be smart to go for this psu instead? http://pcpartpicker.com/ca/part/ocz-power-supply-oczz850m

no, ocz in going under.... besides, you NEVER get a psu from a company not known for them

you should have more than enough technically u would be fine with a 500 watt psu even according to pcpartpicker and eXtreme Power Supply Calculator

Go with the OCZ, their PSU are kickass and its better and cheaper than the XFX

yes.... a 600 watt would run that fine. and you could probubly (however i dont recommend it) scrape by with 500 watts.... the cards are pulling like 150 each peak.

remember i will be running xfire in the future.

i included the two 7950s in my calculation or are u crossfiring beyond that, with the 750w u could even go up to two 7970s in crossfire or 3 7950s in crossfire

Dont go with OCZ like people are reccomending! Their PSU's are pretty unreliable

depends with psu from ocz u get, some are good some are bad i just check for the best rated psu in the range i need