Wii is trying NOT to be lame

so says this article...


>Sega hopes to change that perspective with three new games: “House of the Dead,”

FUCK YEA i loved playing all of those at the arcades. i've played 1-4, first three around maryland when we actually had arcades.. and then i played the 4th one in shibuya japan.


BUMP! and sweet more fun shooting games for the wii.

Wii is epic win.

KOkun wrote 2 days ago »

>Sega hopes to change that perspective with three new games: “House of the Dead,”

FUCK YEA i loved playing all of those at the arcades. i've played 1-4, first three around maryland when we actually had arcades.. and then i played the 4th one in shibuya japan.

lol john, trying to act gangsta with yo black friends i see

FUCK YEA GOT ON MAH DICKIEZ TOO SON. lol the game is a lot of fun though..