WiFi Will Kill You! (aparently)

Hello, I have recently been told that WiFi, cordless phones and microwave phone towers will make you sick and or cause cancer. I am not sure of the validity of this theory because the people who informed me of this couldn't provide any peer reviewed journals stating the negative affects, so I decided to seek your wisdom on this subject and would like to know if you have heard of this and or seen any studies into the negative effects of WiFi. 

Thanks in advance!

p.s. username is sarcastic

no, that's bullshit.


Don't believe everything you hear or read

This was debated on some schools around my place where WiFi in classrooms did have side effects to some kids and even life threatening symptoms like cancer. But TBH, I couldn't understand why kids are affected. It could be that their body is too weak to handle the radiation from the signal.