Wife's New Gaming Rig

Alrighty, so the wifey just got back from twitch con, she did AMAZING on her budget, so we have extra $$$ to get her fully decked out with a new gaming PC. She’s a twitch streamer, so she goes a little nuts on hard drives, so keep that in mind if you offer alternatives on cases. Right now her current gaming rig has more than 2TB of SSD storage, and more lying in wait to be installed.

Current Specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/W8vhdX

Her current machine will likely become a capture/streaming machine, and once I have my TR4 system together, there will be some part swapping. 980Ti->980, Gigabyte UD3->MSI Krait, 5820k-5930k.

New Specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kzGN9J

The idea this time around is to make something pretty rather than just purely functional. She’s kind of a hard drive pack rat, so I feel like we’re stuck with either a NZXT H440, or a Define R6 (I’m open to opinions). We have a 6TB NAS, but it’s bursting at the seams at this very second, and I REALLY don’t feel like upgrading it.

We bought the 8700k back in February anticipating we’d be able to do this sooner, but we ended up putting it off. I’m sure some of her current hard drives are JUST steam libraries, so they’ll probably wander over to this machine.

Any feedback you can offer, most importantly with regards to lighting and asthetics would be appreciated. I haven’t had a side panel window on PC since 2004, so this is kind of unexplored territory for me.

The 2080 will likely become a 2080 Ti in the future if/when those ever hit reasonable prices, and then I’ll steal the 2080 for my machine.

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So she’s going from one massively capable PC to a newer massively capable PC. I’m jealous :slight_smile:

I have no feedback other than I love the Define cases. Even their MATX ones give you more room to work than other brands ATX cases. I don’t do RGB so can’t help there.

My only thoughts on Hard Drives might be that an external chassis with disks and lightning connections might be a good way to go as you’ll be able to swap them over more easily and its a little less faff than a NAS.

New system is on order.

Beware of ordering a Tempered Glass R6 on Amazon. All of them have a $100+ shipping price…so now I have to wait a few days longer for newegg.



I got it to POST today, and let me say, the cooler master rgb aio was a bad choice.

The fans have a moderate hum, and installing the RGB controller was a nightmare. Instructions are horrible and on a define r6, the only place to mount the controller was where the fan hub is. The full install of just the aio took me close to 2 hours after I disassembled it multiple times.

I’ll probably post up pics here when we get the colors setup tomorrow.