I was looking for some anime to watch and I found this video on Youtube:
here's why :D
NO! Just because you are a perverted, ignorant whoremonger, doesn't mean the rest of us who watch Anime are. You, sir, are a disgrace to anyone who professes themselves to be, even in the slightest sense, a fan of Anime. Please, grow up and go try to represent people who like porn or something, not Otakus.
Wow, that seems a little harsh. Not gonna lie, but why do you think anime is made that way? Just for the hell of it? Please. And its not like all anime is made that way, its just a matter of prefrence.
I watch anime because they actually put thought and story as compared to american TV and movies where 99% of it is just worthless crap. Currently watching FMA Brotherhood and not a hint of that crap.
Because L...
i watch it cuz its better than anything currently playing on current american tv (minus a few shows)
Jeez you need to lighten up about being such a curmudgeon. I'm just guessing, but I am sure he isn't insisting that all anime watchers are hentai addicts. Just on another note; there are such things as hentai otakus, you know. I mean, hell, that stuff has a whole movement/sub-culture in Japan. The Japanese like other cultures aren't as uptight about sexual content, whatever form it may be, as those in christian based cultures( ex. America and the UK). All I seen from this video are different sequences from Seinen anime (not hentai) that fit the theme to a song called "Underwear" by the Royal Republic. Seeing how you throw all these derogatory terms for the OP shows just how ignorant and narrow minded you are by labeling the OP as moral scum while you sit on your high horse of moral righteousness. Maybe next time before you start slinging contempt you could ask the OP what he meant or if he is advocating something, because you know what they same about assumptions.
^ yes
it can formulate, convey, and explain more complex ideas as well as the conveyance of all new physical worlds where it may take place than most modern media. Anime has greatly influenced hollywood in the past 20 years more so than ever before. For those interested in the coming of age of anime in America/Hollywood please consider watching- Anime:drawing a revolution it is such a good watch for anime fans, fyi it's a documentary.
Im not trying to bash, heck I don't even watch anime that much...I guess I was kinda spewing out of my ass.
Soulkiller81 I wasn't replying to you it was directed to Myuzaki sorry about the confusion. Next time I'll adress to whom I am replying.
Sexual content is fine as long as it properly compliments the story. In fact, sex can be used to better develop and give depth to characters, but when it is used as nothing more than fanservice in an attempt to gain immature male viewers, it is a disgrace. I believe that title "why we like anime" is a fairly clear statement denoting all Anime fans as people who watch it for the purpose of panty shots and large breasts. Again, if that is what is desired from an individual, he should use pornography, not Anime. Unfortunately, due to these perverts, Anime is beginning to(and quite frankly has been for some time) experience a degradation into a state of mindless fanservice rather than a state of creative, psychological stories with depth and complex, realistic themes. I will say though, that if the OP is not attempting to represent all those who enjoy Anime, than mathar, I apologize to you and retract my previous insults, but if you are speaking for all of us, then they are still valid. Please, just be more clear with your posts.
I Agree..
I don't need boobs and crotch shots to like Anime. Although, some more recent mainstream TV series type Anime employs these tactics to get teenage guys to watch the shows. Never mind that these types of series are highly censored and only shown at 2-3 am in the morning here in the US but in Japan they are shown during prime time between the hours of 6-10pm with little to no censorship.
I hate this type of fanservice and avoid it like the plague with few exceptions
I hate this kind of annoying fanservice.
There is a type of fanservice that I would watch an anime for, it's in monogatari series by Shaft. But when I see huge boobs bouncing around and panty shots every 10 seconds, I drop instantly.
...Clannad... that is all... :'(