I'd like to know what Logan and Wendell think about this Forbe's article, how much truth there is to it and what they think the ramifications are for the gaming community if it is. Seems like something interesting they might want to cover in one of their shows:
NVIDIA is crippling 40% of the PC users who have an AMD GPU by obfuscating code, and the author calls this "competitive edge". I call it " the GREED, THE GREEEEED"
Nvidia needs to stop with this bullshit already, the way I see it they are holding the industry back with keeping all this beneficial technology to themselves. And Optimization in games in my opinion can potentionally ruin the gaming industry. WHY you may ask? Imagine in about a year or so where you bought a game that is optimized for an Nvidia title, according to benchmarks AMD has a GPU that rivals Nvidia flagship GPU, but then there is a possibility The game can be unplayable? Or it cant even keep up with the competition? That's retarded. Not every single player is running an Nvidia GPU.. I want both Nvidia and AMD to prosper but the Stuff Nvidia has been doing lately is just making me lose hope and I just want to see them die in a horrible fire.
No company is ethical or has any kind of moral compass. The only duty of companies is to make money for their owners. What you often see is companies in different positions will make different moves based on what helps them best. Intel and nVidia are both in strong dominate positions, they don't need to "become dominate" and so they pursue tactics to maintain dominance. Becoming dominate involved inventing or creating products that are better then the current dominate ones, maintaining dominance involves ensuring nobody else makes or markets a product that beats yours. The difference is subtle but it's important to note that preventing competition is often cheaper then beating competition. The non-dominate member can not win by preventing competition, so they often try an open competition-orientated approach that puts them on more equal footing with the dominant member. The dominate member gains nothing from open competition and will attempt a closed proprietary approach that creates barriers for non-dominate members. It's the difference between attack and defend.
So if we were to magically reverse the position of AMD and Intel, we would see AMD/ATI doing the same things as Intel / nVidia are doing now. It's why I don't maintain loyalty nor to any company.
The above is also why Mantel MUST become open. And I mean open as in free to implement for third party vendors. AMD is not in a dominate position, defending a product development won't win them more market share or profit. Their only option to to attack by developing newer products and spreading them as fast as possible, which entails making any standards open and free to implement.
This is why I really don't like Nvidia, they make proprietary solutions to problems that should available to everyone (or at least licensable like what AMD and Intel do) examples like G-Sync, CUDA, Gamestream, and I guess Physx (nobody cares about Physx anymore so...men). Gameworks is incredibly anticompetitive in my eyes since Nvidia sends teams to help with optimizing the game only for their GPUs and AMD isn't allowed to assist in the optimization for their own GPUs because the games code is apparently riddle with proprietary code. This is incredibly stupid and Nvidia needs to cut it out. Gameworks needs to die in a fire before more developers adopt it and hurt the PC market even more.
And if that happens I'm sure people will be leaving PC gaming by the dozens since that would just be completely retarded. And yes, Rant:30 please, Logan, we need it.
Shouldn't the FTC be able to do something about this? I mean, it is rather anti-competitive.
Oh do I hate nvidia and physx. When I build my new PC, 8350 and 280x, Mirrors Edge was completely unplayable with physX turned on and this blew my mind. I am going to try this on my old pc with a 550ti and see how it goes.
Well, something new and disturbing just popped up. From an article I read on extremetech I learned that Unreal Engine 4 is embedded with Gameworks and this watchdogs thing is going to happen on a lot more games and AMD won't be able to optimize games for their GPUs
that article explains that Gameworks is somewhat bottle-necking AMD GPUs, yes it does seem Nvidia is at fault here. but i think the bigger picture we have to look at that is also explained in the article is Unreal Engine 4, which has Gameworks built around it. and can potentially bring down performance of future AMD GPU's as well. i think if i continue to hear just more absurd content about Nvidia's bloody shenanigans i will be getting rid of my GTX 770 fairly soon. cause i refuse support a company who doesn't care for anyone other than themselves.
i read your comment and i'm aware these companies only care about money, but to lock down technology that should be implemented in our games as a standard is something i do not respect. AMD isn't perfect either but at least they have some modicum of respect to release technology that anyone can use to move the industry forward.
Just because a company is dominating others doesn't mean they have to start preventing other companies from being competitive.
Look at Valve for example. Sure, they have their own problems with Steam (quality control has gone to shit), but they encourage people to use their platform through use of features such as in-home streaming, SteamOS, etc., instead of making games purchased on Origin running at a lower FPS than if they were purchased on steam.
It's entirely possible that AMD would pull the same crap nVidia is doing if they were dominating, but that doesn't mean we should just take it from nVidia.
Mantle is Relatively New its obvious its not open to the fullest as it should, Nvidia chooses not to adopt it and they are playing the waiting game on DX12. Deep down they don't want to adopt it but if gets the point where DX12 doesn't really fix anything and Mantle does kick off Nvidia will HAVE to support it. cause if mantle gets better there could be a possible future where AMD's Mid Range GPUS will beat Nvidias Flagship GPUS with an API Switch? and also you can't assume that if the ties were switched (Intel and AMD) that new technology will be closed. because no one really knows if that will ever happen until it does. either way Nvidia needs to get their Act together because some of Nvidias Ground-breaking tech is being countered / Attacked.
G-Sync Vs Free-Sync
Nvidia Game Stream vs Steam-In-Home Streaming
TressFX 2.0 which is going to Animate more than Hair-strands in Games in the near future.
Nvidias GPUs vs AMDs GPUS (in Price to Performance)
Oh and for Die Hard Linux users they could care-less for Nvidia since Nvidia hasn't shown respect for linux at all.