Why US Internet Access is Slow and Expensive

Something funky going on with the video, check out  http://vimeo.com/59236702

This is a rather good video I found on r/technology and discussing the problems surrounding the incumbent telecommunications companies.  Susan Crawford, author of the book Captive Audience is interviewed about how these incumbents are affecting America with their monopolies.

"We are creating, yet again, two America's and deepening inequality through this communications inequality."

There is a also a Whitehouse Petition to make this woman the head of the FCC since she knows her shit so well.  So go sign it!

Reddit also found suspected evidence of astroturfing in reviews of her book online.

If you look at this woman's book reviews on amazon, there is a mysterious spike of 1 star reviews. For the most part, these 1 star reviews are very detailed, with bullet points, trying to debunk the material in the book. A hatchet job by paid consultants, perhaps?

Since looking at this yesterday, I note that a new set of highly detailed 2 star reviews have been added. I guess that spike of 1 star reviews was too weird for whoever is orchestrating the smear campaign against her book. - Tchnvlg

This redditor notes an interesting point:

Crawford is one of the best known names in business, media, and sociology academia; since freshman year I have already studied five of her different works (And I'm a CS major). Anyone, who questions her credentials is braindead and/or has zero grasp on the pulse of the industry. - Ace-O-Matic

I think the video was taken down

It wasn't taken down.  Try this: http://vimeo.com/59236702.


This was a very interesting video.  It's always nice knowing the flow of data isn't as constricted as the U.S.

The problem?  I live in the U.S.  *flips a table*

I had a feeling that video was gonna be 25 minutes of my life I wouldn't get back and I was right. Hooray for fast forward! I still believe high speed internet is kept at a premium to offset losses from people not paying for tv services anymore.

So you truly feel this was a stupid video?  Having that inquired, you mentioned fast foward.  This implies you skipped the majority of the video.  Is this true, or are you just trying to be an ass?

I'm not too sure what Reactable was thinking, I found this worth watching.

WTF I tried to update it with that link but now it thinks that it is a Youtube video?  Drupal plugins being funky...

I was planning to buy this after seeing this blog. Does anyone recommend the book for $17?