Why spend the extra money to buy an intel cpu?

So im building my first gaming pc, and im stuck between the i5-4670k and the amd fx-6300. Does anyone have any experience with both of these processors? Also, it seems like a lot of people on the internet says amd is bad, is that true?

Normally intel has better single core performance. But if your gaming the AMD CPU would most likely be a better choice as new games are going to use more then 4 cores as the xbox and ps4 will be using 6 cores for gaming if i remember correctly.So id say get the 6300.

AMD isn't bad, but the i5 is better than the FX-6300 in both single-threaded and multi-threaded tasks. If you're stuck between those two, then you're obviously trying to get the most for your money. Maybe your best option would be to make sure that your motherboard supports higher TDP processors like FX-8350 or the FX-9590 in case you want to upgrade just the CPU in the future when the price drops. Until then get the FX-6300 and pour more cash into the GPU.

It is correct that next-gen consoles use 6 cores for gaming. The other 2 cores are used for the OS. So next-gen games will be coded for 6 cores, not 8 cores.

Okay, thanks guys. Would a r9 280x and a fx-6300 be a good combo then?

TDP = Thermal Design Power

which basically means how much power it uses thus how much heat it generates. just fyi.


also if 2 cores are used for the OS of consoles then doesnt that mean games are being coded for 4 cores?

AMD is by no means bad, it's just that Intel has better performance per core, this is what you pay the Intel premium for.


Judging by these benchmarks and the fact that the i5 is £100 more, I wouldn't say it's worth it.

Here are some more links to take a look at:





Yes. I am looking at the same combo for my next build. The only thing I need is money :D


Consoles use an 8 core. 2 for OS and 6 for gaming equals 8.


Thanks dude, this helped a lot!

The true order of processors is: i7 ~ 8350/8320 > 6350 > i5 > 4300 > phenom ii x 4 > i3 .

AMD has great CPUs. If you are gaming, you should get AMD. They have better multithreaded performance and the next-gen games will be able to support more cores, which will give AMD a performance advantage. It is better for you long term to get an AMD CPU. 

I´ve made up my mind, im going with amd. Thanks to everyone that replied! :D

Why are you stuck between those two instead of the i5 and a 8320?

I dont know, I just didnt think about it when i posted this. But i´ll probably get the 8320.

The 8320 is a really sweet chip for 150. Not that the 6300 is a bad chip as it isn't but it and the 4670k aren't really the same class as far as cpus go. It just seemed a bit strange to be torn between the two.

Pcie 3.0 for one. AMD boards are still using pcie 2.0. Sure you'll need 2 290s at least to make use of pcie 3.0 but some people do need that for their set up. Quick sync too if you use that. 

Depends on the CPU. Having more cores doesn't necessarily mean better performance. The FX 6300 has worse multi-threaded performance than the 4670K even if every single core is completely utilized, just because each of the cores is that much less efficient. The 4670K is definitely better than the FX 6300. Now some middle ground that levels the playing field is the FX 8320. In multi-threaded situations it's about even or just a hair ahead of the 4670K, and it costs much less. However it also has worse single-threaded performance (not a big deal anymore) and higher power consumption.

If u have the money to go with the i5 go with the FX-8350 i have that it is very good if you don't and if it was me i would buy the FX-6300 and put the extra money towards the gpu

DO NOT BUY THE 8350! It's a common misconception that it's better. I'm sure that it is just an overclock for £40!

Well you are wrong, the binning process means that the best chips become 9 series, then the next best become 8350s, and then the 8320s. You will almost certainly have higher OC potential with an 8350. With that being said, you can quite easily OC an 8320 to the stock 8350 speeds.