I can't give you a generic list of ten generic reasons to stay here in linux, but I can tell you why I'm in linux and maybe you can see some similarities to what you're looking to get out of the whole experience.
Personally, for me, I just like it more. It runs better on the hardware I have . It poses a level of difficulty all the time that I enjoy. If something breaks it gives me the opportunity to learn WHY it broke, rather than forcing me to have to reinstall completely. It gives me a lot of expandability in exchange for wanting to learn more and more about how a system works. Since one of my favorite things to do is break other peoples code, I get a lot of ways to do that here. It makes it all very fun for me.
Past all of that crap, I don't like the total outdatedness of windows. Yeah whatever directX is always updated and oh look at these shiny lights! Personally, If I was concerned only with gaming then it wouldn't be a problem, but I worry about the update system on windows breaking, I worry about NTFS freaking out and bricking my hard drives (which has happened before), and I hate (HATE) the windows DE. I like the idea of choice in FS and appse. Don't like NTFS? Too slow? Literally go as fast as your processor can write a string with XFS and don't worry about it. Don't like Explorer.EXE? Thats ok. You have Dolphin, and Thunar, or you can just use your CLI, or any of the 5 million other file managers out there. Or make your own! Past that its easy to run stuff straight off of code in linux. Like super easy. If you wanted you could make all your apps just python scripts and have 38k of files on a USB and no matter what linux you use you have all your apps you made. Can't easily do that on windows with the amount of apps you have to install just to live interpret a script. Linux doesn't care.
Next, I like openGL. Why? Ran better than DirectX on my ATi 9600 pro on my P4 desktop I had and WAY better on the FireGL T2 in my laptop. I'm already angled to use it instead. And yeah I can use it in windows, but its so damn fiddly there versus an environment that its BUILT for. Not to mention using something like wine and studying how OpenGL handles directX syscalls and, in some cases, runs a game BETTER than the windows native version (thinking of league of legends, it ran at double the FPS in linux than it did in windows on my 250X until RIOT broke their game engine).
So ok, being able to just run whatever, openGL, FS stuff, what about workflow? Yeah great. So windows has a broken workflow. A lot of people will be confused by that, but hear me out. Alt tabbing can cause apps to just die. Theres no workspaces that properly work (or at least the work space tech in 10 never worked for me, nvidia nview was the closest to linux workspaces).... The most of the windows workflow is driven by a mouse and thats SO SLOW. In any linux DE you can set key combos. For everything. Any app you wanted as a key combo, a terminal command, a workspace, everything. Its all right there at your hands you just have to whack it in the right order and bam.
Not to mention DE's. Don't like the traditional windows desktop? Don't use KDE then, use XFCE, or Mate, or Unity. Don't want anything with buttons and bars and ew? Xmonad, Hark, PWM, Ratpoison, Awesome, AmiWM. You have so many choices it almost isn't funny. But even then, you have so many choices on how to use your PC that it probably IS funny. You want to use your phone as a touchpad? Ok, use KDE and KDEConnect. You have it all right there. Theres so many options.
Lastly, Package managers. The most important thing that my PC can have is a good package manager. I like arch for the documentation, the AUR, and Pacman. Its why I use it. With the AUR, I can get the apps I need when its convenient and build them/update them completely separately from my normal packages. Don't want to update vivaldi yet? Then don't, big woop. The negative is when something like Discord-Canary gets a major update ad you have to wait for the maintainer to update it. Wait two days, tada. Then Pacman. It can build shit on the fly similar to Emerge in Gentoo minus the fiddly flags and crap. Its fast. I like that. Broke an install of something? Archwiki has literally everything. You'll figure it out.
Oh, and drivers are BUILT INTO THE KERNEL. No having 80 tabs open in a browser to get drivers and crap, or waiting 2 hours for shit to download in 3DPChip. They're baked in. AMDGPU is GOD. Because of that, I can use my 580 and my wireless card at the same time, which according to windows, is impossible. Also, you know, the whole thing where I have to take a whole day to set up a windows box because I have to get 300 apps from all over the net to get my shit done and I'm still missing stuff like kdenlive and sublime text.
I've been in linux for 9 or 10 years now. XP was the last windows I really liked. Windows is dead to me at this point. It really cannot fit my speed or workflow anymore and I'm surprised people put up with it (editing registries to get basic functionality? Are you fucking serious?). So, those are my reasons. I dunno if they are good ones, but in 10 years of use I think I'm validated.