Why is my internet rubbish?

Last few months my internet connection has become a nightmare, ftp/torrent downloads seem to be fine, and speedtest shows a good connection.....but, web pages take ages or repeated refreshes to load, or just time out.

I get this on both wireless and with a Ethernet cable directly to my router.

Im woefully ignorant on all thing network, so routers are a mystery to me at the best of time.....and not sure if this is a ISP problem of a duff router/setting?



Try clearing your cache. That works sometimes. Does it happen on all browsers?


maybe ur internet provider has a faulty connection call him to check it ! or it could be cache

or a browser problem

or windows connection problem

solutions - 

call internet provider


Clean Your DNS Cache

,  try diffrent browser

Use the Network troubleshooter in Windows 7

Sounds like packet loss.

Whats you ISP/Service (Cable/DSL/Fibre/Wireless 4g)?

Are you using 802.11 wireless to your home router?

Try using this app to see how much packetloss you are getting (you should idlely get zero on fixed line services) http://www.pingplotter.com/screenshot.html

Stick in the site your having issues with and set the interval for 2 seconds and run it for 5 minutes.

You should see zero packet loss, and if you do see it, check where its happening (could be you home router, could be your isps backbone, could be a different ISP backbone)

Ive had a few problems with mine and after checking everything it turns out the weather proof mount for the cable on ym house cracked and had water in it, so i drained it and sealed.wrapped it, sometimes odd things like that can cause it, but it probably more than likely one of the reasons mentioned above.

Edit: wow, i just ran that and no matter what i do i get 100% packet loos at hop 6 and/or 12 even though i have a fast & solid connection, weird.

100% packet loss means they are blocking pings.

Over conscious ISP's will block pings cos they fear "cyber terriorst" might be able to map our their infastructure...

ISP's are upgrading this week, everything is going to be a bit flakey for awhile..

well i know rogers is know for loving to throttle and trying to manage every bit of traffic they get.