Not to mention online you usually get better pricing on most things........
Obviously, the overall point i'm trying to make is, i personally havent seen any form of advertising about Linux. And i just want to see it somewhere, everywhere i go i see, Windows 10, and iOS (not even OS X anymore as i used to) and a few Chromebook advertisements.
Stop trolling. There are products out there as of now that you can purchase with Ubuntu Touch on them. No company starts at the top of the freaking ladder. You need to understand that. There was an open source business in my family called Virtuas and it survived a decade until it merged. If I design a hovering car on my own do you think the thing is going to take off when people are accustomed to one that uses wheels? No. You'd have a question of reliability. Do old people use smart phones? No (stereotype, I'm sorry). I'm sure you do. Give it a chance.
...And what do you think Chrome Books run? Gentoo.
So you're scared to try Linux because it's not advertised anywhere? LMAO
The answer is simple. Windows is preinstalled on almost all computers. They control a monopoly on PCs for the moment and have had years to instill PC = windows in everyone.
Ubuntus probably the only GNU/Linux OS to have any penetration into the PC market outside of Windows, and its almost non-existent.
No shit. But there aren't many. There should be more.
I never said i was scared to try Linux the point i was trying to make is you don't have a product if only 1% of people know about it..
Turn adblock off and go watch a few YouTube videos...
So if I like the stuff 1% of the people like am I not a person? According to your logic this would be true.
No one is trying to force you to switch to Linux, but your argument of "it's not advertised anywhere" is rather ridiculous.
So 73,617,952 people as of two minutes ago is nothing?
I was never forced to begin with. I'm just very tired of hearing the "It's getting there". with Linux. I'm taking Linux courses in College and it's amazing. but it's not making me go out and jump on Linux. I want it to make me go out there and make me use Linux as a primary OS. but Gaming is stopping me. sure SteamOS exists. but not most of my library is on Linux. AND don't tell me about Virtual Machines and KVM. I don't have the proper hardware for it. I will when i ever get a chance to upgrade. but it would of been nice to know like 2 and a half years ago. when i was building my machine.
So you're upset that Linux doesn't advertise, and because you didn't do enough research about gaming on Linux before putting your PC together?
No. but "Why is LInux not as big as it should be?" advertising is one of the factors of why that is case. and 2 and a half years ago, i didn't have the knowledge that i have now. you can't get mad at someone for being ignorant two / three years ago. it's almost on the same level as getting mad at someone who doesn't even know Linux exists. OR getting mad at someone that doesn't even know Android is Linux based but now that you've brought it to their attention they finally know about it. I've Lurked on Tek Syndicate for 5 months and joined the forum and have been here for 2 years. so technically speaking, I've been following Tek Syndicate for 2 and a half years. i killed my console, cause of Logan's video and installed WIndows. there was no tutorial on how to make a virtual machine on Linux using KVM and using a GPU pass through. and Tek Syndicate wasn't promoting Linux back then as they do now. i know how to do it now thanks to the countless tutorials on the forum, but i just don't have the proper hardware.
First and foremost I never called you ignorant or any other name, just want to make that clear. Second of all I am not mad at anyone. You're the one getting all wound up about Linux, lol.
I am perfectly happy here on my computer surfing the internet, and looking into a different GPU.
I'm aware I'm just trying to make a point. i didn't have the knowledge back then as i do now. as for Linux not being as big, Advertising is one reason and another is the 90+ Billion dollar company who is in bed with every single computer OEM.
Because why would you advertise open source, free software.
Because Microsoft and Apple made the world believe PC = Windows or Mac.
Because the linux community is still mostly hostile and grumpy.
Because Linux is doing so well in enterprise and mobile no one cares about desktop.
Just some thoughts.
The gaming community is also a big part of it exaly.
Linux simply is not yet on the same level as windows wenn it comes to gaming.
But there are more and more games that will come to the linux platform aswell.
But still gaming on linux is not realy there yet.
We are a community that is tech orientated, we know more about tech then the average consumer. We understand how it works and are passionate about making something work. But we fail to understand the average consumer wants something that works, and is convenient.
For instance, I'm sure there is a plumbing forum and most of those people will say, "why don't people just educate themselves and figure it out." I wouldn't know what to do if my toilet started over flowing... should I know? Yea probably. But that's why we have plumbers.
Next. Linux for the most part works fine, however not everything. Or at least it can work, but you have to get your hands dirty. If you really expect an average user to start going into terminal, then no it is not ready for general consumption imo.
Then you have to realize that there would most likely be a centralized Linux Distro. Ubuntu as far as I know is kinda leading the charge in terms of popularity and compatibility. Yet there is a large group of the Linux community that does not want that. They don't want some distro to become the main focus, they want choice. It's a loosing battle because of how disjointed the community is.
Hypothetical here, but lets say Ubuntu got huge. You'd see it at big brand stores, and it would be right along side Windows and Apple computers. Do you really think that Ubuntu as a brand would hold up the Linux community's core values? It sold out to Amazon for example (I think that's been removed but still the point stands). Big company = eventual corruption, so I don't know how Linux will ever make it to the desktop without the community in up rage.
This ends that gaming cannot happen on linux or is limited.
Next issue.