I have herd Logan say this a few times and I have herd a few other people around the web say that Godaddy is a bad host. I have use them for a few years not to host many websites including for some reasons a minecraft server on a vps, Don't ask why i did that lol.
I have had some issues with go-daddy my-self, I don't know if many other people have. I bought a domain once from them, then when they were requesting some more personal information, I wanted to decline, However there is no declining this feature. Now the account has been locked, and domain has been suspended from use. Did I get a refund upon request? No. Is the domain still active, yes.. so I have to contact them to get a refund perhaps?.. The only domain registration site I have seen that worked for me so far is networksolutuions it's about $30 a year (Not to bad). As long as I can use my domain though, I'm happy. If you have any succession with other domain sites, let me know. :)
I had GoDaddy until recently for hosting of my website. For what they offer their prices are ridiculous, on their cheapest plan you still have a total of 10GB of content space where their competitors offer substantially more. Navigating the backend is a nightmare and the tools they give you to monitor the growth of your site are outdated as hell. Renewal used to be in favor of the user, they'd call you up in advance and hook you up with deals, now they just nickle and dime you for whatever you're worth. If they screwed up something in the past it could be fixed in minutes, now "nope, sorry, you're paying." In the end they raised their prices on me and I decided to leave, while waiting on hold for customer support I started to second guess myself. That is until I heard an ad for their customer support in which they offered to talk to me about anything "including cats," at which point I knew my business was done with them.
Mexican Protest Site Censored by GoDaddy — with the U.S. Embassy's Help
The Mexican website 1dmx.org (mirror here), was set up in the wake of a set of controversial December 1st 2012 protests against the inauguration of the new President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto. For a year, the site served as a source of information, news, discussion and commentary from the point of view of the protestors. As the anniversary of the protests approached, the site grew to include organized campaign against proposed laws to criminalize protest in the country, as well as preparations to document the results of a memorial protest, planned for December 1, 2013.
On December 2nd, 2013, the site disappeared offline. The United States host, GoDaddy, suspended the domain with no prior notice. GoDaddy told its owners that the site was taken down "as part of an ongoing law enforcement investigation." The office in charge of this investigation was listed as "Special Agent Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Embassy, Mexico City." (The contact email pointed to "ice.dhs.gov," implying that this agent was working as part of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement wing, who have been involved in curious domain name takedowns in the past.)"