Why is Arch not recommended for beginners? (+a story)

I get them backwards from time to time. but i think the point still is understand-able. I am still learning myself.

If apricity isn't as much of a pile of garbage as Antergos AND can talk to XFS I am definately giving that a go.

I too love XFS. I am not going to install Apricity for a couple of days yet, but I may as well ask their forum if it supports xfs. I know that by default it uses ext4.

Along time ago, before I fell in love for XFS I used to use Reiser4 all the time. Unfortuantly Mr. Reiser, did some "Hacking" if you know what I mean. That was and will always be the only thing I loved about Russia (At least he looks Russian and his surname sounds Russian.)

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German :P but I get your point

Why is Arch not recommended for beginners? If anything, because beginners might not have the mileage to use the AUR in a responsible way lolz... even if it's the greatest thing ever and I wish every distro would have it...

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How does everyone feel about Manjaro? To me it seems to hit the best of both worlds. Easy to install and use for beginners, but still gives you that Arch rolling release base. I've been testing it out on a VM the last few days and I quite enjoy it.

It's great and very popular, because it does most things out of the box, and has all of the benefits of Arch, except one very important one: the lean and mean concept. Manjaro is pretty loaded with everything they could pack on it, it's like OpenSuSE versus Fedora: the same basically, the difference being that OpenSuSE packs all the things, and Fedora comes as naked as possible. It's a preference thing and a convenience thing. Fedora is still very easy to set up and start using, Arch isn't that easy (it's easier than tweaking the basic privacy settings in Windows X lolz, but it's not as easy as installing and setting up Fedora or Manjaro). Manjaro is a very good way to get into Arch in my opinion, if you're the type that learns by doing and not by reading the full manual first, which seems to be the way the majority of users choose. If you can learn from the manual and then execute, you're better off directly going with Arch in my opinion.

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I've used Ubuntu and Fedora, and while they were nice, I like the out of the box experience that Manjaro has, while being up to date. I almost wish that distributions came with two flavours. One that includes a lot of things out of the box (proprietary software like Steam and Nvidia drivers), and one that is pretty much naked that falls within the free and open source realm (open source drivers, Firefox) with no proprietary software. Just my opinion, and for all I know, this could already be in existence.

Back to the main point of this thread, I think everyone else has nailed it. Installing Arch seems like a daunting task and therefore no one really attempts it. Apparently the community surrounding it isn't the most friendly either, which can be a turn off. Like I mentioned above, I personally like a middle ground alternative like Manjaro which automates a lot of things for the sake of simplicity, while also allowing me to mess around with the system if I choose. Part of me thinks that its 2015, why should I have to build my OS from the ground up, I should be able to use a simple installer. The other part knows the importance of keeping a clean system and knowing what is running and when. I think both aspects are right, and we should welcome both within the Linux community.

So the admin responded and said:

The installer supports XFS, although that functionality hasn't been thoroughly tested, and it may well be that some of XFS's features don't work in their entirety. If you try it, you can report back and I'll be sure to pass on any bugs you find so that they can be dealt with in the next release.

At least they were honest, I will still give it a go.

This is another thing I have to hate ze Germans for, first Das Auto and now Reiserfs.

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i will say i hope people don't get sucked in by the apparent cool factor of Arch and install just because they don't want to appear as "noobs". if you even know what Linux is, you're not a noob. i'm perfectly happy using Mint right now, and i'm pleased with having installed it, and being comfortable using it. while i have no issues with saying that people who can install Arch are smarter than i am, i really hope all the encouragement continues, and it doesn't become an arbitrary goal if you're perfectly happy with your current setup.

that being said, has anyone mentioned virtualbox yet? VM's would be an excellent dry run tool if somebody decides to at least get the basics down.

The only issue of installing arch is doing the commands most installers do for you :P

That being said it isn't that hard. You don't have to be smarter than anyone else to install it. Just patient :P

Edit: BTW When did this whole "Arch Elite" bullshit start anyways?

The same time people felt the need to tell others they suck for not using Linux.

i haven't seen any bullshit here, just saying i hope it doesn't devolve into it.

So when apple users dominated coffee shops. Gotcha.

Basically. Lol

People are always going to have their preference. But that Arch Superiority has always been there. Just like some advanced elitists have their preference for Gentoo and or Sabayon

People just need to let others have their cake in peace and not critique them for their favorite flavor.

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I'm waiting for powerpc to come back at like POWER16 and for it to dominate the market then all the arch users go back to PPC

Arch Linux is wonderful and the best experience I have had in a operating system.
Arch Linux itself has been so fantastic that is has compelled me to create my own Linux distribution tailored to my needs but available to all.
These comments have been wonderful and I hope others see the benefit to installing a 'not so easy' distribution.

Will post another thread after the initial release of my own distribution is complete :D. It will not be based off of another distribution, and package management will be git based, heads up.

It's hard if you don't read the documentation and don't know what you're doing
Plus if you're not careful you can do some stupid things pretty easily

Mother of necro threads.

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2yr Necro