Why I use Verizon

I use Verizon for signal strength, reliability, and speed. I have been all over Maryland and Florida. I have also been to Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, and Haiti. I only got 3G there, but they all use GSM while Verizon uses CDMA. It was very fast 3G, I must say. Speed test result was 5/5. Weird that it was even.

The competitors don’t even come close to the signal Verizon has. I have never had the signal drop to 3G or have “No Service” areas, unlike every other carrier including T-Mobile and AT&T. The signal is always very strong, even on Assateague Island. I get 4G there too, by the way. Fast 4G.

The reliability that Verizon has can’t be competed with. I have never experienced any outages, anywhere at any time, nor have I ever had any dropped calls, which is more than I can say about T-Mobile. There have never been weird things, like Data down, but phone and text work, or vice-versa. This happens with T-Mobile in my area all the time.
T-Mobile claims they have the fastest speeds. With experience, this is an outright lie. I went on a field trip to New York, and my friend and I decided to compare speeds. My Ookla speed test was 38/16. His was 20/8. We thought this was an error or something, so we did it again. 37/18 for me, 19/9 for him. Interesting. We have the same phone, the Nexus 6. So, why the big difference? T-Mobile brags they have more capacity per tower than Verizon. This obviously is not true, either, judging from this test.

“But it’s more than any other carrier!” That is true. But it is justifiable from what I have experienced. I am now more than willing to pay a bit more for much better service than any other carrier.
“But, they don’t have Unlimited Data!” True. I really think this needs to be brought back. I now have a shared 12 GB plan with my mother and brother. We have never gone above this. And we can still do what we did on the Unlimited. I am not defending them taking the Unlimited Data away with this statement.

So, what is your experience with Verizon?

Edit: Just thought I would throw this out there, Verizon didn't pay me to say this.

While I will agree that they do have the largest/strongest network, I will never use them. Their customer service is the worst. When I was sent orders to move overseas We went to cancel my wife's contract. They refused to let her out and claimed "you don't have to go with him"

Before that I had them as well and they modified the phone I had that any time I tried to call costumer service it sent me to their website instead of calling. Verizon is one of the worst companies I have dealt with outside of Comcast.

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Interesting. As of late, with my experience, their customer service has been exceptional. "You don't have to go with him?" If I heard that, I would have snapped. I mean wow... what kind of prick says that?

I personally used them a long time ago, and they by far had the best signal, even that long ago, but they nickle and dimed me so much that I left them. Fast forward several years, my company uses them and I have a company phone. I'm also in IT so I get to deal with them again. Their customer service / competence of employees is abysmal. I spent two days and approximately 3+ hours on the phone with 3 Verizon employees trying to figure out why our new COO's phone number wasn't ported to his new company phone.

They tried to send him to the store. They tried to send me to the store. They tried to get his username / password for his login at his former carrier of which his family is keeping so they could potentially have total control of that account (huge no-no).

It boiled down to extreme incompetence. I had repeated IMEI numbers and SIM numbers several times, but the "porting team" never bothered to check their numbers against the ones I was providing / assigned. They basically kept trying to port forward to some unknown device because their SIM number info was incorrect (even after I had supplied it to them) and it took them two days to figure this out.

I can't even say this is unusual or a first. I now have this responsibility of dealing with Verizon because not one, but two people in our department can no longer stand talking to them. This is supposed to be their "business class" too. I can't imagine what regular users go through dealing with them.

So yes, their signal / data is the best in the business, but for me, it still isn't worth it.

T-Mobile is the way to go. They are headed in the very best of directions as far as attitude and offerings for their customers.