So to break "21 build threads" curse I decide to bring some, hopefully, more serious topic into discussion.
I am relatively a new member. That means I do not know a lot of people over here. And I bet there are lots of people who feel in the same way. So let's know each other little bit better by answering these two questions.
1. What was the main reason you have joined TS community at first place?
2. What is the current reason of you being a continuous member of TS community?
Let me be the the first one to answer the questions. Since I am new here, reasons are the same for both questions. However, it is not necessarily the case for others.
Firstly and honestly, I could not care less about the hardware and PC build videos from TS. It is not because they are bad, but I rather do not have any particular reason to watch them. I do not see myself building a rig anytime soon since I travel a lot and expect to move near time in the future. So dragging a desktop around seems to be a bit impractical. Neither, my profession involves working with hardware. NorI have joined TS as a PC gamer. Frankly, there are better and bigger communities that provide more indepth and comprehensive review and discussions on PC games. No, the reason I joined TS is more important than that.
If you watched Tek 0034 then you will remember Logan ranting "Everybody shut the hell up about twinkies. Nobody cares. People are dying in Gaza, and you, people, are so obsessed about twinkies!". This is exactly the reason why I have joined TS. Logan and Wendell are kind of persons you can't help, but to have some healthy amount of respect toward them. They have courage of not only seeing current condiition of human society as it is, filled with ignorance, hipocricy and indifference, but also telling it as it is and taking a stand on the side of the opressed (there is actually a really nice quote from Desmond Tutu "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor"). Furthermore, I can see a huge effort by those guys to inform and educate people. There is actually an honest effort to try to make this world a little bit better place, however, little contribution it makes currently. Someone else, including me, would have already given up such an effort as being futile. For most of us, life is just a long popularity contest: trying to fit in society, to get acknowledgement, to impress someone. As a result, we end up speding most of our time doing pointless mindless things that does not make any sense if we think about it purely rationally. There are few people that can see beyond this popularity contest, and, I believe, some of these few people are over here in TS. So I joined TS so that these people can remind me that there are bigger and more serious problems than what my everyday life involves. It makes me pull my head out of the sand (or my ass, whatever you prefer) and confront the reality however unpleasant it is (red pill, anyone?). This is my reason, and what is yours?
P.S. Well another reason why I joined TS is that it features nice science news segments such as weather conditions on Ur Anus (did I type that wrong?).