For example this guy with an XTX is path tracing in Cyberpunk with 120+ FPS.
It’s a mod that culls some bounces whilst maintaining almost exact image parity with the original implementation and the spoeed improvement is over 2x on the XTX at 1440P or above.
I am not into RT and do not care about it but I bought an XFX MERC 310 earlier today and it will arrive likely on Tuesday next week.
I went down a rabbit hole and found out about this.
Comment to the video on YT.
"Actual good optimization lets non-RTX 4000 cards to do PT pretty well. FSR 3.1 and XeSS 1.3 DP4A give vendor agnostic upscaling roughly around the level of earlier DLSS 2.x versions, FSR even without using AI. AMD and even small dev teams implemented very solid Frame Gen and Latency mitigation tech. And both the upscaling and frame gen are easier to implement and more open. Just how manufactured is Nvidia’s advantage. "
A quick reminder of the history of Nvidia’s not so savory past.
2002 - Nvidia begins “the Way its meant to be played” marketing campaign that proved to be a way of sabatoging ATI GPUs by influencing the developers of high profile games to neglect optimizing their games for AMD GPUs and use Nvidia optimized code instead.
2003 - Nvidia starts getting caught sabatoging ATI GPUs by cheating 3D Mark benchmarks. Nvidia secretly minipulated their drivers to reduce the render distances and fraudulently boost performance result for their GPUs.
2006 - Nvidia heavily suspected of sabotaging ATI GPUs in the tech press by privately paying actors or offering free hardware to reviewers to promote Nvidia products online. This heavy suspicion of Nvidia collusion has only grown over the years even to this day.
2009 - Nvidia launches a new gimmick scheme in PhysX aimed at gimping AMD GPUs by purchasing Agea the makers of PhysXto make it run exclusively on their hardware depraving gamers from advanced physics support too this day. Nvidia also explicitly gimped CPU support by Neglecting to use SSE3 or AVX. Nvidia would go on for years using PhysX as a gimmick to attract gamers by paying developers to inject PhysX into games and benchmarks to make AMD GPUs run poorly.
2010 - AnandTech confesses that Nvidia aggressively persues control over GPU review websites to hand pick the game selection for benchmarks and control product comparison narritives to make AMD GPUs look worse than Nvidia GPUs.
2010 - Nvidia launches a new gimmick scheme in hardware tessellation aimed at sabotaging AMD GPUs by adding an excessive amount of tessellation cores to their GPU and then paying game developers to inject an excessive amount of tessellation into games to choke AMD GPU performance. Nvidia even tried to sabatoge a game benchmark by sending review websites their own custom build of that benchmark.
2013 - Nvidia colluded with AMD upper management, using them as spies. According to AMD several upper management employees at AMD leaked 100,000 confidential files to Nvidia before leaving AMD to work for Nvidia. The files included future company strategies, trade secret technology, etc.
2014 - Nvidia launches GameWorks; a collection of graphics gimmicks optimized for Nvidia hardware and designed to run poorly on AMD GPUs. Nvidia influenced game developers for many years to inject GameWorks collection of gimmicks into popular games to sabatoge AMD GPU performance. In contrast with AMD GPUOpen/Fidelityfx which is open source and runs well on AMD and Nvidia GPUs.
2018 - Nvidia launched GPP (GPU partner program) aimed at sabotaging AMD GPUs by intimidating 3rd party AIB makers to exclude their GPU brand to Nvidia. This cause such backlash that Nvidia cancelled the program.
2018 - Nvidia launched a new exclusive gimmick scheme in hardware ray tracing once again aimed at gimping AMD GPUs. Nvidia desperately scrambling to differentiate their GPUs from AMD, sought to persue a new gimmick disguised as a supposed passion for raytracing. Nvidia suckers gamers into giving away 50% performance on up to $2,000 GPUs just to turn on hardware ray tracing features which currently results in little to no relevant visual improvement over traditional modern PC game rendering methods. This is currently an ongoing gimmick aimed at sabotaging AMD GPUs by putting over engineered ray tracing processors in their GPUs and then influencing developers to inject pointless performance killing ray traced features into popular games which makes all GPUs run poorly but it makes AMD GPUs perform even worse.
2020 - Nvidia’s gets exposed for using their review program to control third party reviews by granting exlusive access to free GPUs, early drivers and new product information to reviewers willing to align their narratives to one in favor of Nvidia. The youtube channel Hardware Unboxed ousted Nvidia for banning them from receiving free GPUs as an attempt to bribe them into making videos that promote RTX raytacing.