Why don't you guys host your own website?

Why don't you guys host your own website on an Apache server and BIND server?  Is it because your ISPs wont let you or because your connection is too slow or something else?

They did and got DSOD'ed

They also too much traffic esp during promotions to self host.

we do technically still self host, we just have cloudflare in front of us. A lot of the website comes from S3 as well. We also used to host our own DNS but some ddos script kiddies ruined that lololololololol. Besides at peak there are 1000-2000 people on the forums.. so that takes a bit of hardware. and a lot of people not in the US. so the site was slower for folks not near north america.. hopefully it is better for that kind of thing now though.


we use squarespace for the store, also. so there is that. 

And the sysadmin explains it better than I

distributed service of denial