Basically all of the rock that I listen to was from before my time (I was born in 1999), so I definitely understand you there. But I agree, pop really is the fast food of music. I don't really need to say much more than that because I agree with everything you said, haha.
That's all some good advice right there. I actually do like a couple of Eminem songs, so I do like a little bit of rap, but I honestly just don't enjoy it very much. I think my best bet for finding new music in today's world is probably the internet, since MTV isn't made for music really at all anymore, and as you said, listening to the radio is totally useless for finding new music.
I don't remember the last time I actually heard Avril Lavigne or Green Day or any of them on the radio! Oh well, it's more of a shame than anything, but it's not really the most important thing to worry about these days.
(I also just want to say thanks for putting so much effort into your comment, I don't really have any way to show how much I appreciate it when people put a lot of thought into what they want to say. :-) )
I didn't think so, but yeah that's a shame.. I listen to audioslave a bit too, they are pretty good but they never really made many songs.
Thanks to my sister using my account on pandora, I end up listening to Ariana Grande most of the time whenever I go on there. That's why I swapped to Milk, and soon I'll be getting a Spotify account and I'll have a look around Bandcamp as well.
Thanks, I didn't make it though, haha. I did a Google search and it seemed relevant to what I was saying. XD
These were Played on the Radio by those artists maybe hearing it again will refresh your memory lol
Modern mainstream music is a market saturated with a low quality works designed to appeal to the vast majority and as such can only really be enjoyed by the lowest common denominator. However, modern music does not simply suck. Broaden your horizons and look deeper and i'm certain you'll find many things which appeal to you. Some genres are even thriving musically at the moment. I think it's a case of you not quite knowing where to begin looking.
Ahhh too many young childhood memories all at once!!! I might explode, wow
Thank you for that, I really needed it. XD
I think you're right, I just haven't been looking hard enough. Mainstream media has been mushing so many songs into my ear canals recently that I think I've lost sight of where good music is at, or perhaps lost sight of the fact that good bands are actually still out there at all!
This is odd ... will definitely get that other song out of your head ...
eclectic and IMO healthy range in styles ... I feel sorry for people that limit what they listen to to one genre
I quite liked Front Line Assembly - Exo ... very industrial rhythm and feel
Here's a Few Songs i Like
Delerium - Silence
Front Line Assembly - Exo
Darkthrone - Quintessence
Also No Discrimination to good hip-hop
Plan B- Tough Love
(Quick Synopsis of the song) The song explains the story of a Girl named Sinita who lived with a religious family, she wished to live like a normal girl, caring about boys, dressing flashy, the stereotypical girl, Her parents believe she is possessed because she disobeyed her parents views, and her parents beat her to death for it
Lady Sovereign - So Human
(Quick Synopsis) The song explains how She (Lady Sovereign) hated being controlled by record companies and had no control of her music, and how she's human, its okay to be tired, its okay to be angry, everyone works hard but we all eventually need a break
Ooh I like that one.
Pink Floyd is releasing a new album later this year or early next year
Thanks! :)
Yeah, Merrill Garbus is really something else, especially that album (most of it is even weirder, believe it or not). I would check out tUnE-yArDs' Whokill album - it's a little more contemporary.
I've really been digging Daft Punk lately. It's pretty chill music but not for everyone. And the Gorillaz are awesome, check em' out, fools!
I tend to recommend him a lot, but dubfx has some great music, both his live and album songs are great, he mixes everything live which is pretty impressive. He's a mix of Electronic, Reggae, Hip hop, and a few in between. Kinda good for people with mixed tastes.
This he kinda explains how he does it:
David Meshow ... one man band is fun to watch
You're looking in the wrong places. You're looking at party music and expecting to be wowed my clever lyrics with deep meanings that make you reflect the meaning of life. There is a time and place for those kinds of songs. They're just meant to get people moving and lighten the atmosphere in parties, sporting venues, gyms or even in the car. I admit, first time I listened to started from the bottom, I did bobbed my head and said, " eh, it's alright".
Now, if you do want some so called " Real Music" (I really dislike that term btw) from the rap genre, I'll point you in the right directions.
Chance The Rapper - Acid Rap Mixtape
Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid M.A.A.D. City (This album is excellent! Highly recommend listening to this no matter what genre you prefer!)
Danny Brown - 25 Bucks. Now this is a started from the bottom story.
Childish Gambino - Camp Gambino, or Donald Glover is excellent! He also has a screenplay and a whole album that accommodates it. Can't go wrong with him.
I'm just scratching the surface here. But yeah, to understand music, you must understand the target audience and the purpose.