I have Windows 7 and Antergos dual booted on my laptop. Antergos seems to boot significantly faster (haven't actually measured). I have often heard good boot times touted as one of the advantages it has over Windows. Does anyone know why? Is it just a lighter OS?
I'm sure there are more reasons but Linux is significantly smaller than windows so it makes sense that it would load quicker.
Having said that I have a server which takes a long time to boot on Linux, not sure if it would be the Same on Windows or not.
I've never used Antergos however Linux in general seems to be quicker for a lot of things. Updates and installing programs on Linux is so damn quick and easy compared to Windows.
Less bloat think Nexus with pure Android vs a Samsung with all the extra crap........
Less bloatware, no spyware, higher coding standards, new technologies, better filesystems, and so on.
It's just smaller and lighter, less things to move off the disk and into RAM.
Antergos is built on arch. Arch uses systemd. systemd runs startup scripts in parallel. Windows 7 does not run startup scripts in parallel. Tadaa, magic speedup!
Kernel modules load faster than libraries. Thats it.
Windows does backups on every update you install, so that is one reason why it's so much slower on that part.
You can configure linux to do the same. Opensuse does that by default if you choose btrfs as your filesystem, and you can choose at boot time to boot from one of the snapshots if you so desire.
In all honesty, Windows is an antiquated piece of software riddled with spyware. That's why it boots so slowly.
It's not that bad, it's just that windows was built with .....................Net :p
One other thing to take note of is shutdown times. On Linux I can initiate a shutdown and literally two seconds later the computer is off but if I do the same with Windows it takes at least 15 seconds+ depending on updates and such.
Well, except for the shutdown for rebooot scheduled by windows updates, that shuts of the machine in record time.
Just to be clear I am not trying to defend windows.
Telling windows to shutdown, however, is more like insinuating that you might want to disconnect the power source some time in the future. -- When shutting down, windows asks all applications super politely to please exit, and if the application says, "no, I don't want to go to bed :/ I want to stay up and watch Action movies", windows is like "alright, but just the one". and then it turns off.
Linux on the other hand is more like "go to bed!", and if the application doesn't want to, linux will be all "You better be in bed next time I look, or I will hunt you down with an axe and murder you". Is it any wonder that linux apps are all in bed in time for lights out? Sure maybe not all of them finished brushing their teeth, but they'll definitely all be in bed.