Why do you guys love China so much?

Don't get me wrong the Chinese people are awesome! But the Chinese government and their programs are BS. They are aimed to save face to foreign countries and that's what these programs are about. You mention that they are building cities but many are ghost cities without people. You also mention lots of technologies they support but they are pushing them through without concern for the welfare of their people. Don't forget Tienanmen Square. Also Xi Jinping and his shady dealings with foreign nations. And his islands in the south pacific that are obviously for military expansion, there is no way they have peaceful intentions with them because there is no peaceful application. Oh also their hatred of Taiwan and constant trying to get it to collapse (Also stop calling it Taipei, that's what the communist party calls it and we owe them nothing, Taiwan calls its self Taiwan so we should call it that too). And the subjugation of the umbrella uprising recently in Hong Kong which is supposed to enjoy some level of independence from the rest of China because of its previous English rule. Or this: http://www.ibtimes.com/china-use-big-data-rate-citizens-new-social-credit-system-1898711

Don't get me wrong, I love your show and your community but every show it seems your praising China and as long as it is the people I agree but your praising of governmental programs I disagree completely.

  1. Name a governmental body that isn't corrupt.
  2. They are praising the engineers, software developers, and mathematical geniuses of the country, not the governmental body.
  3. The governmental programs that you say they praise are on the complete opposite side of the government than the side that does terrible things to its citizens and allows mistreatment of employees.

I don't recall Logan or any of the others praising any governmental agencies of China. China's government is merely capitalizing on the West's lax trade policies while preemptively setting up an infrastructure where they will be able sustain themselves as a global economic leader in the future.
The west globalized the economy, The Chinese government and the US government are two sides of the same coin. The means of production was relocated to the east but our Bill of Rights didn't go with it.
Do you personally blame yourself for all the horrible things your government has done? I doubt it.

They do mention a number of times about the treatment of workers, he last inbox they mentioned about going to the factory of where some of their stuff for epic pants is made. Theres also a lot that goes on around Asia, despite the somewhat bubble effect on western society, Asia isn't just a mass manufacturing plant.

Your point on Taipei, Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, I do not believe they are referring to Taiwan as Taipei.

From what I have been able to gather, and my own personal thoughts, logan, qain, wendell, and the rest of the TS gang like china because of the, "HOLY BALLS, ALL THE TECH" and this is true, for example we chat is a chinese social media/ chat client/ translater and It is really cool, also do you know how many tech companies were founded in the middle kingdom, dji for example is a really cool company and there from china, but liking all the neat stuff from china and the culture dosen't imply they like the practices of the governing, take the golden shield, or more commenly known as the great fire wall of china, that ain't nice, but it's china that the people like, not the shitty government.

The school system definitely does not support innovation or creativity. Sure it is written in every god damn plan that "overall harmony and innovation will increase in the following 5 years", but then it doesn't. Copy and paste innovation just doesn't cut it in the year 2015. Income inequality, cultural and social segregation, an aging population, censorship on media, censorship on social media, unequal studying and job opportunities based on place of birth and so on. Sure they are trying to fix these problems but only by government control. When the Chinese government plead to work on income equality, income inequality did not get better and actually it worsened. The problems the old system has caused are now a structural part of Chinese society and will not vanish in 5, 10 or even 25 years. Removing the 1 child policy does not suddenly make China's population young and vibrant overnight, and removing Hukou restrictions does not suddenly make it so that all Chinese citizens suddenly are allocated evenly throughout the country in an efficient manner. For one perspective I suggest reading academic research on China and the middle income trap.

Tl;dr China has many people, but that alone does not make a great country or a great society and numbers is all I see when I look in China's direction.

@Logan I don't know if you read this article but I saw it and it reminded me of one of the recent videos you made speaking of privacy. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-passes-sweeping-anti-terrorism-law-that-critics-fear-could-violate-privacy-and-restrict-news-outlets/ar-BBnZeQK?ocid=spartandhp I know this probably has nothing to do with this post, but I found that this was fitting with all the recent events going on in the world. I personally don't see a problem with a government having this access, because it will help China cut down on possible threats out there. However, it can also be abused just like anything else out there can, and invade an individuals privacy.

The Asian Dragon (China) has been generating / experiencing massive economic-growth that is light-years ahead of the West; this is due in part to their own technological-sector.

This is a factor that Logan. and his team no doubt appreciate.

One well-known descriptive relating to China is that:

'China is like an apple: red (communist) on the outside, but capitalist on the inside'.

China is playing catch up, and they are almost on par with the west, and in many areas they are, but your points on creativity are correct they don't have the same things that we do with our preschools here in the west we let our kids be creative and play with blocks and finger paint, compared to china where over there they start them young with making the young kids have academics from a very young age, promoting education versus creativity, which makes a society of very determined and smart people but not the most creative people, and that's why there is a massive IT industry in china.

The problem I have with the Chinese education system has nothing to do with the pre-school phase. It is the academic field that is behind because of freedom of speech conflicts and other political conflicts. Academics are usually funded by the public authorities (in China's case always by some mean the government) and if they studies are not what the government wants, they are not funded. If you are a persona non grata, it does not even matter what your studies are about; they wont even be published. Also even at the university level the exams are about memorizing, not applying, information. Source criticism and overall critical thinking is at a minimum. I stayed there for a while and studied at a major (and prestigious) Chinese university for 4 months and all I can say is that the attitude towards academic plagiarism and the attention to detail in plagiarism checks was worrying to say the least. The whole society seems to be built on the saying "The goal justifies the means" and when reflecting over China's problems it is hard not to come back to that saying.

Eh. Everyone else has pretty much said what I wanted to say.

I would just like to ad, that the chinese government is not nearly as bad as we all like to think. It is just a handful of very corrupt people with telephone polls up their asses that make life a living hell for anyone and everyone.

But they are all old. When they die, things will get better.

Why is attention to detail in plagiarism checks worrying?

lol wow you guys misconstrued my point, my first sentence was this: "Don't get me wrong the Chinese people are awesome!" I speak Korean and know how to write in traditional Chinese (the second writing system of Korea after Hangul), my name in Korean is κΉ€μŠ¬μ˜Ή (Kim Seul-ong) which in Chinese is written as ι‡‘η‘Ÿζ“. Also I love Chinese history but I don't like communism. You are right though SwissFIghtsCrime, there is no government that isn't corrupt but there are governments that let you dissent openly and there are others that do not and that's sort of my point. My point was more that I think there are brilliant people in China but a the communist party I think is stifling the possibilities there with its own agendas. I pointed out Tienanmen Square because that was the last time there was open dissent against the regime within China and it culminated in a horrible massacre that the Chinese government denies ever happened. To me it just seems that they praise china without taking it with a grain of salt, when explaining other matters they express their skepticism when it is warranted but I never see that when they mention China. I have nothing against the Chinese people in fact I have a few friends in Shanghai my beef is with the government alone.

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The fact that you can graduate as a master of science by blatantly copying someone else's work doesn't worry you?

IDK if I am tired or just plain blind, but as far as I can tell no one thought you were saying anything about the chinese people.

I can't say much for what everyone else is saying, but I can go a little bit more in depth to bring some different perspective.

First off lets get something out of the way. Taipei.........is a place with an interesting back story. Yes there was a lot of chinese involvement, and ultimately I understand your point. However everyone in Taiwan calls the capital Taipei and a lot of them hate china. So meh. That is not really something to worry about. Taipei is fine.

As for the Chinese party, they really are not as bad as you think. The party is really only 30 years old, and most of them are scared shitless from the social unrest.

The few corrupt people at the top of the party are making STUPID choices. Almost to the point of being suicidal. These are the fuckers who support North Korea, and literally fuck everything us.

I think it is safe to say that their policies will blow up in their face. Its already kind of happening with the muslim community on the border.

The best way to describe the chinese party is some very new parents who think the only right way to raise a kid is to control the piss out of it.

One of two things will happen. The kid will revolt and the parents will back off until everyone can get along, OR the kid and the parents go to war.

In either case the parents loose. I think it is only a matter of time before the china party gets their shit together.

There is more to it than that, I'm afraid. The problem lies with provincial regimes and state owned enterprises in the end. Corruption exists in every single province in China among the high ranking officials, not just the big guys in Beijing. A good example of the relationship between Beijing and the provincial leaders is the existence of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Keqiang_Index or rather the need for one. Another thing you might want to look into is Chinese SOE CEOs hiring westerners to act as foreign investors to impress the central government in displays. http://edition.cnn.com/2010/BUSINESS/06/29/china.rent.white.people/

The corruption is everywhere. They dont tell us everything and they dont tell each other everything. The goal justifies the means and the goal is personal benefit for every single individual.

Because when you are an open-minded American that doesn't have their head up their ass, and travel to foreign countries, you are generally impressed by, well...everything.

So you're saying there's a lack of attention to detail in the checks?

Your wording made the checks sound thorough.

Oh, I suppose you're right. How I thought it was that worrying about the attention to detail in plagiarism checks would always mean that they are not thorough, as that is the worst outcome and therefore worth worrying about.