Why Do Devs Think Linux Users Are Incompetent?

This is mostly about steam, but this could be for CEVO, for a lot of things really.

Now I have a game like Cossacks 3 right? Stupidly fun. I love it! Go on the steam discussions forum to see about possible future linux. Not many posts but THOUSANDS of responses to almost all of them, and a lot of the responses are "Dude if you need help I'll help port it. I have ported games before it isn't a problem here" "+1 need for linux" "Will port for play" "Just give me the code and I'll do it" like a lot of posts like that. And not only with the Cossacks devs, but a LOT of devs, the response is something like "Basic desktop users are too incompetent to port our game. We need a REAL porting team, NOT some raggamuffin group of fools" and all that fance nioah I had Brisket, Berrehs, and FUSH for SUPPAH TEHOAENTAOHBNEATHB.

They freak out over the idea of letting other people touch the game but they allow for mods. I understand wanting to keep the code secret or whatever bollocks, but linux users aren't stupid. Some users actually fix the awful ports feral put out once in a while, post the fix, then feral DMCA's the fix and claims they did it. Its fucking retarded.

Just let us port your stupid fucking game already!


So ya, to answer your question its because of stereotypes. But let us tell them how wrong they are, we are not some "ragamuffin group of fools".

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Although the subset of people with the right set of skills is small compared to the overall Linux userbase, you got to remember that decades of windows and propriatory software habbits goes real deep. Some people cant grasp the concept of working together.

And lets be honest, probably more than a few of them are just saying that. But porting like that would only really work if they opened the game code, otherwise your looking at organising and vetting people to work on code and note release any of it, of which a proper team like Feral would do.

It would be interesting to see a dev let it happen.

Btw, although it already had a Linux port, Uplink give out its source code years ago, and because of it they have a shiny new version that someone made. So proof it works?


Not even counting the odd quirks you can encounter when porting that requires quite a bit of modification to work correctly.

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Yeah but that versus a dev not doing it or a dev saying "Well we'd have to redo the entire game".... I mean when vulkan is widely used they won't have a reason anymore.

Oh trust me Aremis, I am well aware, I personally told you why it upsets me so much that devs don't port a game to linux when the engine has built-in export functions for the platform.

However when devs use an engine that doesn't have native porting functionality it can be a lot trickier.

EDIT: On a side-note a lot of devs don't understand the basics of open software, and the advantages it has, and are paranoid about releasing the source to any individuals, as they think it will just result in the source being leaked and the game tanking due to piracy, nevermind that those of us who are informed are well aware that games that are pirated don't fail as a result, and often times even highly pirated pieces of media succeed economically.