Why did wendell never review Asus Motherboard for all the new Platforms?

Can you please explain to me why Wendell never reviewed Asus motherboard for all of the new platforms x370,z370,x299,X399,etc.

He seem to mainly review Asrock, which is not a problem, Asrock is a great brand, but i want to know how is the iommu situation on the Asus Motherboard for the z370 Platform.

Honestly, Asus and Corsair are two of the most aggressively marketed brands on the market nowdays. Whenever I look at some website there are always new marketing thing from Asus or Corsair. The press is full of Asus reviews. Honestly I am glad L1T team doesn’t cover Asus as actively as other brands.
If you have any specific questions, people around here seems to like Linux. So there is always somebody, that can straight up answer your questions.


Because they didn’t get any review samples and there’s no reason to throw away money for a review if they’re not planning to use the part otherwise when there are already a ton of reviews out there anyway.

Also typically L1T is a little behind on the reviews so they wouldn’t even get an amount of views that would make a purchase worth it.


Thank you for your explanations!

I have a review coming of the zenith x399 which is a retail board. I am still having trouble with 128gb kits on TR tho. They promised to send an x370 but it never showed up. Z370 was MIA probably b/c holidays? Idk, I didn’t ask. It’s likely I will pick up some Asus x370 boards before they are eol one way or the other. Will probably pick some up at retail eventually but there hasnt been any need yet.

I did review the strix x299 which is sensible for that platform. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_PewYviuSMM


I would love to see a review of the ryzen ITX motherboard(s) from asus when they come out.

YES Wendell actually read my first post!!!

This is life changing!!!

Become a Patron… he will pounce every time you mention his ( @wendell ) name…

lol… just kidding…


or is he? ahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAA ohh the patron tech support emails :-\ mostly I encourage those to be forum posts though. kidding not kidding :smiley:


Well honnestlly depending on which cpu you plan to trow on them,
and of course what kind of things you want to use them for.
But wenn it comes to Asus X370 boards the Asus X370 prime pro, Asus X370-F strix and the Asus Crosshair VI Hero are the only boards worth buying pretty much.