Been using my 1TB WD Blue 3D NAND drive for err…? 4 months now? Everything’s been great. Came back to my PC after a little while and tried to launch a game from Steam (non-Steam) and it failed to launch. Learned SSD was no longer tethered to the system for some reason. Did a reboot and it reappeared just now.
What the hell? How do I prevent this? Is this some SSD sleep mode?
EDIT: Went into Power Options - Advanced Settings and found a Hard Disk Sleep setting. Was set to 20 minutes. But I don’t understand the setting at all. It doesn’t specify which drive. ? I’m still wondering why this happened. If it was really this one setting.
Does it show up in BIOS? If so, check if it’s in Disk Management in Windows itself, maybe Windows is doing its routine let’s mess something up xd and you need to reassign the drive letter or something.
I always assumed that the setting in Windows power options applies to every drive in the system, due to hard drives stopping spinning at some point until you poke them again.
Never heard of that before. But yeah, all seems well. It’s in BIOS as well as Disk Management. I’m just wondering WHY THE HELL IT DID THAT?! Making me paranoid for no reason… I wouldn’t have attached my cables like a stooge. Everything was hooked up tightly.
Yeah, like I said, I went to launch a game, and it couldn’t launch because Steam couldn’t find it. I go into explorer and notice the drive isn’t even showing. I restart my system and it’s back to normal. According to Crucial (not my SSD brand) “rare software events” - whatever those might be - can cause a drive to disappear like that supposedly. Really weird. I hope it’s not a sign of something.