Why can't we have a seperation of Science and Politics?

Define "progress".

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Oh my... but there's so many definitions to choose from.

Regardless, I don't think there is a definition of progress (in the "democratic west") that justifies jailing people for questioning the impact of humans in current climate change models. Unless you know something that I don't. It's not exactly hate speech, is it?

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Well, people use the guise of whatever people love to promote their agenda.

With Televangelists, they use the guise of Christianity and imply seed faith is a Christian faith and seed them tax-free money. Leftists use the guise of progress to get their way.


That same Bill Nye that gets paid by the establishment acts like he has no idea how much of an advantage the US has had by not having to worry about adhering to the Kyoto protocol for decades:

The US signed the Protocol on 12 November 1998, during the Clinton presidency. To become binding in the US, however, the treaty had to be ratified by the Senate, which had already passed the 1997 non-binding Byrd-Hagel Resolution, expressing disapproval of any international agreement that did not require developing countries to make emission reductions and "would seriously harm the economy of the United States". The resolution passed 95-0. Therefore, even though the Clinton administration signed the treaty, it was never submitted to the Senate for ratification.
In 2011, Canada, Japan and Russia stated that they would not take on further Kyoto targets.

Go figure who got bamboozled in those 20 or so years. It certainly wasn't the US.

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Bill Nye refusing to give facts while claiming expert status.

Bill Nye talking about jailing skeptics of climate change

Bill Nye lying about the Constitution

This is what the Constitution actually says

Bill Nyes original stance on gender and the facts of chromosomes

I don't think this needs any explaining and shows how much Mr.science guy cares about science now.


the problem starts when something becomes popular [which is natural], and entities see this and try to hamfistedly shove a narrative. the examples i'm most familiar with have nothing to do with climate change, so i won't derail the thread by going into those, BUT i will state that what he's doing in that video is marketing. the people who buy the content of that video are probably already on Tumblr and Twitter, already into that ideology, and it's hip right now. it's an appeal to authority. "this guy knows SCIENCE and he says this is cool!11! he's one of us111 hashtag yaaas hashtag omgthis"

i fail to understand the shock surrounding this. in Current Year's hyper-partisan climate, no less.

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From Nott, J.C. and Gliddon, G.R., Indigenous Races of the Earth, J.B. Libbincott, Philadelphia, USA, 1868.
"Three International Eugenics Congresses were held in 1912, 1921 and 1932, with eugenics activists attending from Britain, the USA, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Mauritius, Kenya and South Africa. Notables who supported the ideas pre–World War II included Winston Churchill, economist John Maynard Keynes, science fiction writer H.G. Wells10 and US Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge."

Article at http://creation.com/eugenics-death-of-the-defenceless

If the world could discover a sterilization pill and give it to people willing and give them say a few thousand.

The amount of defective/inbred gene pools that would disappear would do the world a great service.

That's hoping that more intelligent people would realise how stupid it would be and not take it and continue to breed.

He was on a show where he could barely finish a sentence. Tucker was literally foaming at the mouth by the end of it. I don't know why deniers hold up this video as Bill Nye doing something wrong. At first Tucker was asking massively leading questions about the climate, and as Bill started understanding what he was doing and asking, and started to adapt, Tucker changed the course of the conversation. The second half of the interview was Bill continuing to try to explain climate change by describing the real world effects of climate change thus far, and Tucker (I'm hoping) fabricated ignorance and frustration in order to continue to interrupt Bill. Bill was making excellent points that were very much on topic. Bill cannot fix Tucker's willful ignorance.

I guess thanks for providing the evidence that Tucker was full of shit in the previous video...?

  1. Bill never says that climate deniers should be jailed. He says he can see where the people pursuing criminal investigations have a point.

  2. They're not talking people like yourself who, individually speaking, have little clout in the war against science. They're talking the people who are actively spreading massive amounts of money to continue to promote the idea that there's nothing wrong with the climate. The people who have a monetary interest in not changing how they do business. They even say in the video you posted that the interviewer said, " 'climate deniers,' his word, " and then followed it up with clarification, "the energy CEOs..."


To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

What's your problem here?

So...Science changes as new information is made available. What's your problem here?

Yeah. His new show has some really weird segments. But still, I think his commitment to science is as strong as ever. People advocating science don't go on Faux News to talk to Tucker Carlson because they think it's fun.


Well, money happened to politics and then politics happened to education.
Science is fine, works like a charm like it always has.


It may be a bit more complicated than that...

The only way we get this is by electing STEM grads into local, state and federal government. I can’t think of anyone, off the top of my head, who graduated in engineering or CS who is in congress. Reagan said, “The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would steal them away.” I think this ultimately boils down to how government employees/officials have shifted from being “public servants” to “elected and appointed bureaucrats” – the latter feels entitled to power. We need someone like George Washington who didn’t want to be president but reluctantly served because he felt it was his duty (see Link).

Hey rook, this thread is almost a year old, which goes againt our necro policies. Make a new thread to discuss if you want to continue.