Why Can't I Get Into This?

Hello fellow members of the teksyndicate forum,


I decided to do this post for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I'm frusturated.  I am 15 years old and can't seem to be able to learn to program.  Every time a start a tutorial track (I have done a python, java, and a C++ one) I get really into it for about 15 episodes but right when they start disscussing practical appication concepts I always drift away.  The only thing that I know throughly is HTML5, which i started learning when I was 11.  To this day I can't remember how to layout a CSS file, and I find it quite depressing.

I am definatly not computer illiterate.  I built my computer about a year and a half ago and dual boot Windows and Linux Mint (more specs on my profile).  I am an avid pc gamer and I know my way pretty well around a computer.

A couple of my friends and I are starting development on an indie horror game using CryEngine 3 (I just love the way it looks).  I am pretty far along with terrain creation and vegatation, but the terrain is not texured yet.  By the way here are some screenshots:     




But without proper scripting knowlage I can't really move on and build the AI (my friend is a graphic artist, he is working on the models and textures).  I also have many more ideas for indie games that I would like to come to life, and programming is one of the main requirements of such an act.


So I have a few questions...


Should I wait to learn programming until I am older and take a class at my school?


Am I just too stupid (I don't think so, I have a mesured IQ of 130-140 depending on the test)?


What are some ways I can apply myself and finally finish some tutorials?  Do you guys have any good self-teaching tips?


Edit:  Thanks for the help from everyone, I am already well into a code academy track and I am going to finish it!

well a few things you can do:


before you go trying to build full fledged games, start with the basics. pick a singular language that you like, and stick with it. some youtube tutorials are good, but most are  unprofessional. (bucky at the new boston is what you're probobly watching and he's alright) 

once you've picked a language, buy a couple books. it honestly helps a lot. 

if your school offers courses DEFINATELY take them. you are not "too young" to start learning to program. pretty much any logical person can do it with some dedication.


I'm 16, I've been programming for around 8 years now (QBasic for the first 2), you're not to young. I don't know if you're to into math but a lot of non-web based programming gets its syntax from semi-advanced math (Algebra I & II and up). But I'm just trying to say is it was really hard to start programming, it usually is no matter the age. 

I'd definitely take bmckalip's advice. Especially from personal experience learning a new language can take quite some time. So take it slow. Building a game can be quite the tedious task. If you are going into game development the main thing I see among fellow game developers is one of the three languages being used: C++,Java, and Python. All of them have amazing tutorials especially for getting started. 

Personally I've written my game engine in Java and CryEngine uses Lua which I do not know. You can learn the official java here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ 

Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of programming (: feel free to email me any questions or if you want me to help teach you anything as a friend to a friend at, [email protected] 

I am 15 years old and I'm a php programmer, it took me a while to pick it up, and now im trying to get into python. my advice for you would be to think of small applications to make in your chosen language and make them, it's the best way to learn. If you are having any serious frustrations I would also say to try and find some pepole who program and make friends with them as they will be able to help you out enormously especially one to one.

I started back in 1998, with Pascal when I was your age... and I have to tell you: Its never been easier to try different types of learning experiences for any type of programming/development.

Since I teach web development(from html, css, javascript... to ruby on rails), as my secondary job, I usually suggest students and whomever wants to learn, these websites:

- http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp

- http://www.codecademy.com/#!/exercises/0

Also, be sure to check this website:





And NO, you are NOT stupid. Its just much nicer to spend your time with your friends or girl/boy, enjoy a nice movie or play a cool video game... especially if you are teenager.

Just bare in mind this(motivation of sorts):

Development, programming, engineering... are one of the few professions where actual hard work - actually pays... and it pays rather good. ;)

Oh... and you get to build cool stuff. ;)

If i were you, I'd start with Unity3D. it's extremely easy to script (uses C#/javascript/or Boo). I know you want to use the "insane graphics" of cryEngine 3, but it's really annoying to script for (uses Lua i believe?) and you can achieve similary graphics levels in Unity3D if you write your own custom shaders. Did I mention that Unity3D supports Linux now? :P

Yeah I have started to mess around in unity and its pretty cool :).  I really like how the engine can easily support 2D games, as most of my future projects involve that.

Think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned "practical application".

Programming is a tool, but its the practical application of creating something with that tool that is the only way something will hold your attention.

IMHO You will learn (and retain) so much more trying to overcome real problems you're facing in a project, then just following along some generic linear course. 

Certainly don't beat your self up, at 15 I couldn't focus on anything other then being a dick head, and trying to impress girls (not a great deal has changed 15 years later!)

I have done no programming for many years now, Prehistoric Apple and others, 4 and 8 bit........except for my little personal programs for tweaking my os.

start small and work up, i can do some decent things with HTML but i still find basic stuff the best stuff, i am currently learning C++ and have made a basic calculator today, but i hate programming, although now i dont have a stupid teacher holding me back im enjoying it, if you need to learn programming follow thenewboston on youtube, should have you covered nicely there, easy to follow understand and replicate. i hope to have a decent grasp of C++ witihin a few weeks, although i am doing bits each and every day :) 

I am not sure about CryEngine 3 specifically, but you are probably limited by the engine as to what language to write your scripts in. It is probably C++, which I find is a fantastic language. I love C++ for game dev; unlike the newer languages like C#, C++ lets you control practically everything out the game, the window, the GUI - EVERYTHING. C++ scripting for CryEngine will be Cryengine specific; it will use its own API/extensions, so the CryEngine-specific syntax will have to be found, learned, etc. You may consider switching to Unity3D, which uses C#, a much more modern and simplified C derivitive. But, I agree, CryEngine looks very good :) Just stick with it - you aren't too young, and you aren't stupid, you are just in a rut.