I've recently switched to fully to PC and I havent been able to play RPG games like elder scrolls and fallout. I don't know why I played skyrim on Xbox and could lay and play it for a long time. But when I play on PC its not as casual feeling and I never have the feeling to play them and when I do launch them I randomly get bored and go play some multiplayer game like rust or counterstrike. I've played PC since 2007 but I recently got my own PC and sold my Xbox and gone full pc . how can I get that casual feeling I need to play RPG titles on PC.
Also I haven't been able to enjoy older titles like morrowind because of their graphics. How can I enjoy these games like I once did.
to get the spark of playing PC RPGS is to mod the bloody hell out of them. Skyrim has THOUSANDS of mods to make the game look and play better and give the game at actual sense of realism. and on top of that to remove the Console-Itis (which is to remove the console simplicity in game like the HUD or even minor things)
the ones that are the most Mod-Friendly are the Elder-Scrolls and Fallout Games.
I think your problem is, is that you haven't found some good single player games to play on the PC Platform that AREN'T Console Ports. And i don't mean that to be disrespectful but i think personally you need recommendations and the way i see you don't seem to like games that have dated graphics.
Here are some of my Personal Favorite PC Games that I Enjoy
The Witcher - A DEFINITE PC Classic that even still has amazing Graphics even to today's standards Also not to sound blunt but this game does NOT hold your hand. you are going to have to explore.
Skyrim (Like i Mentioned before Look up modding tutorials they aren't difficult if you are willing to learn its an unparallelled experience.)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (the very first one was the best one in terms of story but these were original PC games that later got ported to consoles. and this is in my personal opinion is an excellent RPG/Shooter with a Futuristic Setting.0
Sniper Elite V2 & Nazi Zombie Army - These are i would say a different approach to the Military shooter genre where it focuses on you a sniper. Also sidenote Sniper Elite V2 is free on steam right now check it out :) also if you loved nazi zombies from call of duty then Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie army is a must play for you.
Crysis - The first few games were open world which focuses on exploration and this game still makes GPUS today struggle at its highest settings but if i had to say come close to in comparison to anything it would be Halo.
Half-Life - This is a PC Classic that is easy to run on most systems and has HUGE Focus on story. also you may have seen some videos where logan argues that Half-Life is better than halo. cause the story is just that good and has so much memorabilia.
Hmmm, I think Skyrim isn't a good RPG . . . sorry to say this but it just isn't. If you want to play a good RPG play Baldurs gate I/II, neverwinter nights I/II, planetscape tournament or fallout I/II! Skyrim is just bad i mean really bad ;) It's like a RPG for (sorry if it sounds offensive) noobs. If you want to play a FPS/RPG play Deus Ex 1 . . . Human revolution is way to easy (played the first run on the hardest difficult and it was WAY to easy). If you want to play a game that you remember play Outcast! Sorry but you have to play old games if you want a good game, the newer one are just like "yay i finished the game but what was the plot again? Hmm doesn't matter lets play the next one" lame. Or get your self a emulator and play "a link to the past" it's a good adventure and worth the Time.
Because the PC platform gives you so much diverse interaction online with productivity and entertainment, maybe you subconsciously feel your missing out on something, due to there being more spontaneous unpredictable interactions while gaming, or the ease of acquiring knowledge and exposure to unlimited interesting mediums etc. Therefore using such a amazing form of technology for just a single player experience might make you feel your not fully utilizing your time and assets to the fullest? I don't know.
Kat I've played all those games except for deus ex and I get that same feeling. Guys I've taken all ur points and I think I'll try to play with a controller even know I hate going back to a controller after using keyboard and mouse but hopefully I can get that feeling again and enjoy those games I once did . I did play BioShock 1 on PC and loved it but I can play others . I have played witches 1 and I hate the combat is the second one better and if so should I buy the third one.
Maybe switch up from your keyboard to a gamepad its trivial I know but the format of the key layout may help to bump the difference and enjoyment level up. I have some of your same issues with PC RPGs but I can still become fully immersed in a well made story driven RPG (like Witcher or even Transistor) I have a controller, gamepad and M+K and frequently switch it up to keep myself mechanically entertained.
The Witcher 2 has combat that is extremely different to the first one. There's still the iron sword + silver sword concept, but it has a much more dynamic combat system. If you want to decide whether it's worth it or not, I'd recommend looking at some videos.