Why buy a RTX 3070 over a 3060 TI?

Hi Everyone.

I planning on buying a new GPU for my setup. As the title describes I am planning on one of the two graphics cards.

So I want to get you guys objective perspective on why I should get the 3070 over the 3060 TI. :slight_smile:
I Am looking to get the most value for my money, and Iā€™m not quite sure what to get.

For reference, I am currently running a GTX970 and the Video Benchmark shows a doubling in the score. So I think it is about time for upgrading. :sweat_smile:

Thanks in advance!


All depends on the exact models and price difference, but from what I can tell a couple models are within a 30-50 $/ā‚¬ price differenceā€¦ but then again current prices are completely fucked up anyway sooo yeah take that as you willā€¦

Either way, the 3070 has more shader units, and a higher clock, and along with that more RT and Tensor cores (whether those are important to you depends on the usecase).
Whether that makes a meaningful difference you should check on reviewsā€¦ generally those ā€œxyzbenchmarkā€ sites are not useful in any way.


That is great input because I want to buy a card that will ā€œlastā€ as long as my 970. :slight_smile:
And 50ā‚¬ is a small price to pay in the long run for more compute units/cores.
But I am an Asus fanboy and the waiting queue is long here in Denmark for those cards.

Donā€™t be a fanboy for corporations, they generally donā€™t care about you :wink:

But either way looking at both the TUF models for those cards thereā€™s about an 80ā‚¬ difference so itā€™s your call.



I thought the 3060 is laptop grade GPU.

Laptop who? :smiley:

what resolution are you targeting and does RT matter?

Short and sweet, because 3070 is literally more powerful. Thatā€™s all there is to it.
Now if I was to build or upgrade, I would wait a couple months for AMD alternative (6700, 6700XT) and then compare price to performanceā€¦

I have af 32" 1440p 75hz (AOC Q3279VWFD8). But I am planning on getting a 27" 1080p because the 32" is way too big for me.
But in terms of RT is no, I do not play any games that supports it. :slight_smile:

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3060ti is probably plenty for 1440p and certainly 1080p

3070 probably overkill unless youā€™re considering 4k

Subjectivly do I really need a new card now because it hurts my eyes with all the lag. :sweat_smile:

I have the same monitor. Itā€™s super coolā€¦

I have an RX 480 so I understand ā€¦ But you have been running this 970 for 5+ years, so a couple months shouldnā€™t be an issueā€¦

also any modern card will be a massive, massive step up from the 970. if youā€™re targeting 1080p you can get there with anything above an rx5600 easily.

either 3000 series card will be overkill

Donā€™t you think its too big for gaming?

That is true, and my argument to that is that you can allways wait for the next train. And I need to get there now. :slight_smile:

I am sure itā€™s overkill, but I want to invest in a card that I can use for a few years and play a 3xa game if I want to without too much lag from bad code. :smiley:

No, itā€™s amazing. It covers my entire field of vision and I can easily get absorbed in the game. I love it.
What I donā€™t love is the stand. Oh, that stand is atrocious. And the fact there is no Vesa mount doesnā€™t help. But other than that the monitor is 10/10 for me.

The issue is the market now is insane. You will never find 400$ 3060Ti, you wonā€™t find 500$ 3070ā€¦ Especially now that MSRP got 20% up because of tarifs.
IDK. I would wait. Itā€™s not worth spending 500+ on 3060Tiā€¦

I would aim for another 1440p monitor, instead of 1080p. I know for me the drop in resolution would annoy me. And going from a 32" to a 27" in the same resuloution will bump up the pixel density and overall appearance of smooth edges in games, potentially less AA needed, though that last part is up to your own tastes.

If 32" feels too big, sit further back, same perceived shirink in size as buying a 27" and sitting the same distance you are now.

I would always go for the most powerful GPU I can justify the price of as more is more and will last a little longer, granted probably not a huge amount 60ti to 70 but hey, more is more.

@Jaycob there was some confusion as they were launched both at CES a few days ago and considering the 3060ti has been about and known for a couple of months they did not make a big thing of the 3060, but they did make a lot of noise about the 30xx series being in laptops now. The noise and similar names made it a little confusing and the 3060 kind of got drowned out.


Should anything be of a wrench in engine, be the 3060 set for containing 12GB

I properly have too high expectations of my 970 when playing fx KCD. It just need a bit more umf, so it does not sutter. :confused: Maybe I will come to enjoy it more with a better graphics card.

But at work I have 2 Dell U2719D and the formfactor is really nice! Could be my poor eye sight. :joy:


It makes perfect sense. And when I have a much stronger card, it would properly not make sense to downgrade on the resolution. :slight_smile:
But in terms of space for my setup, am I very limited to my flat I am living in. So pushing back the monitor back is not really possible.

I understand that too. I have a 27" monitor and my brother thinks it is too big. I like it, but then again I donā€™t use it for games, that a whole other story.

I amā€¦ Well that is when possibleā€¦ Planning the get a 1440p monitor of the same size but wider, if that mes sense, 3440x1440p which I think works out to 34" but the same height as a 27" just wider, but that will wait till I have a new GPU too which comes back to the when possible. I am currently on an R9 290.