Why aren't we getting paid?! Logan, Pistol, Wendel or Qain

What ISP do you have? Your data cap most be tiny.

The ads that might be 'intrusive' to your browsing experience are the support structure for your browsing experience. Nobody is going to run a site that takes money to run and not have any income to support themselves. "my browsing experience" is one of the most incorrect things you can say. It is the creators property Not yours. There are a couple legit sites that have a security threat level ad slip through. But the majority of sites that have security threat ads are already sites you really shouldn't be on if your wanting to actually help creators. There are the couple legitimate circumstances why pirate sites can be used justly. If your maybe trying a game and then buying it if you enjoy it for example. But pirating content does not ever help a creator unless you pay them for it.

Only helping Youtubers you enjoy is just so wrong. Your still experiencing the content even if you don'd enjoy it. You don't expect a restaurant to fully reimburse your meal just because you didn't like it. If the meal is cooked how you requested but you just don't like it, do you ask for your money back? No they delivered what you asked for so you have to pay for it. The internet is the same way except you watching the ad is how you pay them. So yes you avoiding 'paying' creators is pretty scummy.      

Your still experiencing the content and still adding to Google's internet bill even if it is a microscopic amount to them. Avoiding the site this way still means your experiencing the content just through a end consumer method that does not help creators.  

Honestly, install AdBlock so you don't have to worry about it, i'm sure the guys here at Tek SYndicate would understand, do it for your own good.

The ad services can still be malicious and google in particular is using any and all information given to them to do thing's I'm morally opposed to so I'm never going to think twice about what it would cost them in transit costs, which are absolutely minuscule from me seeing as I have all of Google's services blocked save for access to youtube video servers.

Adds suck, but they pay the bills of the things tat you do or watch. You pay for the access to the internet, not the content on it. Someone has to pay for all the servers and hosting you see when you browse.

The reason you reach your cap? Because you signed with a company with a cap. Sadly, sometimes that's the only choice, and it sucks.

Yeah sure there is a one in a thousand bad ad but the chances are minuscule and malwarebytes fixes that easy. If your morally opposed go somewhere else, use a different service. But consuming the content and not giving the creator, not google, their due pay for providing the service is still wrong no matter your moral opinions on the host company google. 

Nope, I'm not leaving any security hole open.