Why are people believing propaganda of electric cars being more environmentally friendly

Automotive science. So I can get away with it.

Yeah it's not only a engineering nightmare but a political one too.

Fusion would be great, but IMO it's pie in the sky. Nuclear fission is what we need. The question is what design of reactor.

I'd have a Tesla S in a heartbeat. The problem is no way would I ever spend $100,000 on a car. I come close to buying a BMW i3 but the looks... I couldn't face that every morning.

Like @catsay said, line loss would be pretty bad, especially across oceans.

Regional grids might work, like EMEA or Asia-Pacific, but even that can get a little iffy with different electrical standards.

I think 100% renewable is a very real possibility, especially as prices come down as economies of scale go up. I don't think relying on just one source is the way to go since a stretch of bad weather could be pretty bad, but I think a combination of different types that fit the local terrain is plenty feasible. Like where I live we can get wave and wind energy with ease*, but solar wouldn't work since we don't have good terrain for solar arrays.

*We don't currently because nobody wants to invest in it because oil is cheap again.

You're not the dictator of anything.

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The model 3 will be out in a few months. Its way more affordable.

You don't know that.

but how long does a battery last before its dead? Isnt a one time environmental cost better than a marginal cost?

I do as a matter of fact.

Espically not this thread. Or your own mind for that matter.

And to make things worse, people who seek refuge in automated wheelchairs because they can't drive cars should also not be on the road in my opinion lol, and continue clicking the spyware laden screens on their Teslas while sitting immobile on their lithium ion bombs waiting for the inevitable...

Look, a racecar can do about 8 Nordschleife laps on a full tank of petrol because it takes that much energy. That's with serious times in all weather conditions, not in a video demo on a perfect day. How many laps can a Tesla do before the lights go out? And even if it could do two laps without exploding. It's still not a roadworthy car for real life situations. I will get in my car tomorrow and drive 600 km in just under 4 hours total, like thousands of Germans do every day to earn money by making real and useful products. Can a Tesla do that? Wait, I have to charge for almost an hour after less than 100 km at normal Autobahn cruising speed (if it doesn't blow up by then)... that means I have to sit idle and let the wheelchair charge more time than I can actually drive? Muahahahahaaaaahahaaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... no, doesn't belong on the road lol, it's way too "specialised" for that LMAOOOOOOOOOO

PS: Don't quote wrongly!

I think that is more for cruise ships and LNG. For Container ships I believe a single Sulzer or B+W slow speed 2 stroke diesel running on HFO (used to be called Bunker C) is still king.
The simplicity of no reduction gears and just a shaft connected to the crank, ability to run in reverse and an operating range between 30 and 102 rpm still make it the most economical choice for low cost shipping.
Putting on a white protective suite and climbing in to clean out the manifold is a miserable and VERY DIRTY job. I hated it:)

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was organized in 1893, to advance the art, science, and practice of naval architecture, shipbuilding and marine engineering.
Their pubs always seem to spell the word "Maneuver" wrong, or it was another word. Then I realized it was published in England. But that was the 90's

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Can't have your population freely moving around wherever they want. That would be anti police state/ corporate monkey control. What better way to control people then by limiting mobility/ and or completely controlling access to.
Makes it hard to overthrow governments :)~

Your only valid argument here is of energy density which is only going to get better as time goes on. Eventually batteries will be on the same level as any fuel tank and then surpass it.

You seem to be under this illusion that the people who buy tesla are somehow disabled. I dont get it.

Sure, but what happens when the oil runs out? Like it or not electric is going to take over. As population increases and food demands get harder to meet, crops used for creating any amount of ethanol will have to be used for food only. What then will drive transportation?

Are you ok man?



The racing car wouldn't be useful to drive 600km either. If you want to race buy a race car. If you want to drive 600km daily buy a really economical car. Strange argument.

The 200-300 mile range of the Tesla is plenty for most situations. If you give me the choice of driving 200 miles in a racing car or 200 in Tesla it's a pretty easy choice. I'll take the Tesla and arrive with my spine and hearing intact.

I mean 600km is only 372 miles. Thats not really crazy to see. My MKIV Jetta TDI would get close to 500mi though it was averaging about 42mpg highway. 200-300 is a little on the short side but I agree its not like its too small to go anywhere. Long distance drives could be a bit of a pain but in the US the supercharger network is pretty good and free. Cant beat free charging.

You know what. A 1994 Jeep Cherokee with a diesel engine. And a roll cage with reinforced bumpers is starting to sound like a good idea. At least I will be able to go to what ever Mexican joint i want in Chicago and get free fuel. Also. LOL! With Tesla's it actually is almost like pay to play.

I believe nuclear,wind and solar are our overall ways working together to solve the grid. Wind and solar where they can be used and nuclear when you absolutely have to.
Battery recycling done right should solve the problem of battery packs depleted and needing to replaced.
Also I believe we can pump methane from landfills and create power also. Would have to look into the emissions aspect and see what impact that has but before I can find it you guys will post it. Landfills are not going away anytime soon nor the entire population throwing stuff away everyday.

A 1994 Cherokee is starting to sound like a good idea? Erm no thanks.

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Yep. We just need the morons in office to catch up.

I'm just not sure why the coal industry didn't invest in solar and wind and make their money there​ and coal. Kind of like the multitude of companies that have companies they own sell the same item just with different branding.

They basically could burn and sell coal where it was wanted an accepted and then the places that were against just send another representative selling solar or wind under a different name.