Logan is not wrong, not at ALL.
Logan is not wrong, not at ALL.
Dear God, what a load of shit. Even an idiot can see the DOJ is lying through their teeth,
Why do I only read : " if we cant break into your phone we will kill you or your kid/s"
Why is apple committeemen to anything wrong? Apple rose in the most open and supposedly free capital market, where companies like apple and intel aren't supposed to exist. I read somewhere a while back intel would have been trust busted if it had like 80% of the market, it was at 70% at that specific time. So anyways its not like Apple isnt a Monopoly, but they sure act like it. I mean claiming to invent everything and that other companies technology is terrible, even though half the time it is driven by the "terrible technology" and their competitors are using it aswell. People believe retina is actually a thing, it isnt. It is IPS, and often considered much much worse in terms of resolution. When I purchased my mac book in 2012, it was just before the macbook retina (2k one) came out and it was guess what. A resolution from fucking pre 2007 (1440 x 900). God I hate apple. Anyways, so they release 2k and claim its retina (in house technology). My first lcd monitor bought in 2006 was a fucking 1440 x 900 with 60hz refresh rate. It isnt big, but 19in.
I have one question, with all of the religious christian people out their who often take the Bible at its word, would support the most unchristian company there is? I mean didnt we get thrown on this hell called Earth, because we disobeyed and ate an apple? Fo shame humans with short term memory. I know the most religious people in the United States, from whom I've met, think Apple is the most wonderful company, revolutionizing and creating jobs. It isnt doing either. Finger prints arent revolutionary, they havent done anything revolutionary since the first iphone itself. Retina macbooks arent revolutionary, because gaming laptops less than $2k has had 1080p+ for about 4 years, 2 before Apple.
How much do I want to bet that this world parallels some unknown world, that is actually our world, just in the future. As in God said not to bit into Apple, maybe God is referring to Apple the company, and that he/she wont let anyone who supports supposedly an evil company. He/she is human(s) ffrom our future who figured out how to replicate our own universe through some form of extremely powerful holodeck (or some other projection method; dream projection?) Anyways I am liking the idea that our universe might actually be a form of holographic projection that is of a world far from us. One that was probably us and wanted to truly become creator of someone/something (this is from articles that I have been following up on).
Im not bitching about it being 2k, I dont even caqre about the macbook line besides in this thread (anymore that is). I have Sony Multiflip 15a now and am loving it. What I am saying is since 2005ish macbooks have used 1440x900. At the end of 2012 they released a retina display, not saying I am disappointing in not getting it. I got the macbook as a graduation gift tbh. So I actually sold it instantly. My gripe is for $2k it had 4gb of ram, a radeon 6670m, 500gb hdd, and a shitty resolution. Literally two weeks later the retina was released and it had twice the specs for the same freaking price and I wanted to return my macbook for the retina, even if I had to pay the freaking difference. Alas I couldn't replace it, as mine was how do you put it? Broke after I removed the HDD in and replaced it with an SSD. When I went to return it, I replaced the HDD, reformatted the drive and it was clean. They said I broke it thus the warranty wasnt covered for exchange/returns. This was microcenter though, not a normal apple store. Then again they have an apple store in my microcenter.