Ok i moved in with a friend and i have hooked up my rig,but for some reason my rig is the only one getting half the speed i should be getting.
We have a Linksys WRT54G router,a short ethernet cord going to his pc in the living room,and a long(i think 50ft) ethernet cord going out the window and along the side of the house back into my window,and into a hub which i only used cause the cord would not reach all the way to my rig lol.
I believe longer ethernet cords don't transpher data as fast as shorter ones. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe you should try hooking up your rig where his computer is located and see if your speeds increase. If they don't there might be something wrong with your motherboard.
I will try to temp hook up mt rig in there as soon as i can,also i expected a little speed loss but not this much,in fact i had my internet set up at my last place in almost the same way,expect the last place they were using a linksys n router,and it was router,50 cord,hub,smaller cord,my rig,and and a hardly noticable impact on speed,but i did have a 20ms slower ping than if i was near the router,but that was at the last house.
Check your router settings, you might be getting a lower priority since he most likely is the 'primary' computer. I don't know where you would look for that because every brand has their own layout for the page. The cable could be a lower class cable, meaning you either need a stronger cable that allows for better data transfer. Also check if the router ethernet ports have diffrent limited speeds, thats unlikely because most of them have at least 10/100gb connections but check nonetheless.
It could also be the modem, some older modems have problems with multiple people on one line even if on a router, I've had 3 pc's in the house on an old router, and we would loose connection just because it couldn't handle it.
TL;DR Try a diffrent class ethernet cable, check router settings. Possible modem issues.
Cant you shield it with tin foil? worked for me when i had to run coax cable in between some power lines here at home. makes it look bulky if you put too much on. i wrapped the section with a few layers then wrapped it in duct tape for insulation. Before i did that i was getting 6mbps. Now im getting my full 25mbps speeds.
Yes, but running it outside the house wrapped like that would be ugly, you can order a good quality shielded cable from E-bay for a few dollars like i did for my server...
I will check the router settings as soon as i can,but right now i am in the town i moved from(which is 25miles away),trying to get my car i am buying from a dealership in this town fixed,i think there might be something wrong with my fuel pump.
Bad cable is bad. That only has insulation (outer wrap of plastic). Plus the reviews are kind of poor/lacking real reasoning. I dont trust Walmart further than a bent coin rolls. Chinese product for a cable is crap. Plus is REALLY low spec. drop the cash on something like this:
Hi! some times the problem is in your internet connection on back end. The same problem I had faced on my past but I get rid off by contacting with my internet service provider so, after check up of your internet speed through any online app you have to done a complain to your internet service provider for exact internet speed.