giving away 2 copies of insurgency , have to give it away in half an hour !!
Write ur steam and i'll send u the link :D
cmon guys claim it already xD
heres another link to get it if u missed out on the first link, 2 copies left!!
I'll be your friend, my steam name is PrototypeTank. I don't know if I want the game because it would need linux support.
I already got a copy of that but if you want to play some co op mode I'm down.
steam is /tiddlewinkle or something like that. If you search for Tiddles I'm the one with a ferret in a christmas sweater.
Pretty sure i'm too late.. but just in case i'm not Steam name is Stervice
haha alright guys i added u all. i do have csgo as well as many other mainstream games so maybe we could all play together this weekend maybe :D