Who here builds their own desk?

I've noticed that Logan and I think Paul has a DIY Desk, but who else has one? If I wasn't happy with the one I have, I would have built my own because it's more custom. Why don't a lot of Tech Channels that are hands on or even forum posters do build logs on custom desks to give the community some ideas?

Feel free to post your custom desk/workbench if you have one!

Does it count if you put it together your self?

What I'm using as a workstation right now is not really a desk, but I guess it would be considered a gaming cockpit/ ergonomic workstation. Its called the obutto revolution.

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I made my own out of pine, but it's probably coming down next week to be reshaped and made to actually look nice. Eight feet of straight unfinished pine isn't the prettiest of things to look at.

I don't count "some assembly required" like Ikea.

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Due to getting tired sitting on the floor to use my desktop after I first built it, I crawled to the back of our storage building and used what plywood and 2x4s we had that would work and made it work, no big plan, just knew the measurements it had to be and built it.

It looks like crap but it completely functional, don't have a picture right now to upload though.

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There's a natural beauty in more rustic furniture. https://hartsdesire.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/img_7753.jpg

I think DIY is the only right way to go for my workstation desk. I either build my own or modify something at the moment I am trying to figure out how to make a standing desk for myself which would have range from coffee-table height to standing-desk height.

This is an old photo. But I build this out of IKEA table tops and some angled support beams underneath. Works good lots of space. I think somtime in the future I'll make a more permanent one out of pine or oak.

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Yeah hand made is the way to go and you mentioning modding existing furniture reminds me of people that rigged their own kotatsu. http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-an-American-style-kotatsu/

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Right on, this is very relevant here as we can expect -25C within a week- brrrrgh.

Last winter ripped down a wall between two bedrooms to expand the office into a photo studio and repurposed the old studs into a custom two user desk that spans two walls and a 45 degree corner. It's not pretty by any means but it gets the job done. Due to the size/shape constraints of the area no of the shelf desk would have worked.

i have done woodworking all my life and im going to build my own desk in a few months after some medical bills.

this has a lot of good info on making nice tables and not just cheap functional ones.

Oh, I've seen a Japanology episode on it. I like Japanese Craftsmanship, it was good back the and is still good now. Some weebs say they still have good tech, but apart from two consoles, (of which use American processors) Japan hasn't been relevant in the consumer electronics market in since Apple and Samsung invaded the market. But, good craftsmanship is never obsolete.

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I have limited woodworking skills, but am putting together something using a Ikea Gerton top and some legs/drawers. Dark walnut and semi-gloss on top and a bright red underneath. I just put on the second coat of walnut stain about 20 minutes ago. I'll post pics when it's done. Making a new home for my 40" 4k I just ordered :)

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For Aussie Tek readers, there is a wealth of Australian timbers that could be used for the construction of a computer desk.

Timber slabs like Mackay Cedar, Silky Oak, Spotted Gum or even Queensland Mahogany (with its blood red wood)

Blue Gum is unsuitable for desktops as it tends to distort badly due to weather influences.

*Queensland Mahogany pictured below


I'm planning on building my own desk... I already built modular shelves for my apartment; the desk is next!

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I made mine out of basic plywood for the top.

Everything else is made out of poplar that I milled myself to make sure everything was super straight.

I will be building my fiancee a standing desk come spring (Damn not having a heated shop during a Canadian winter, so much productivity down the drain). Torn as to whether I should make it a sit/stand that can be adjusted or fixed standing desk. She claims she doesn't want to sit while working at her computer anymore, but I get the feeling she will change her mind at some point.

i dont suppose i could pay you to mail me some of that queensland mahogany? cause holy shit thats beautiful.

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This is my plan this spring...

I need to start looking around antique furniture stores for the big hard-wood board I'll need for the top.

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