Who are the IEEE 802. Committee and why are they important?

I'm doing a short paper for my Computer Systems course i have to write a short paper (about a page long) about the 802. committee, anyone can give me a few short "things" to know about them and why are they important? I know they have to do with controlling the standards on how wireless on devices work. but that's really all i have.

As for why don't i try google? well it goes into too much detail, i just need the important stuff. and i haven't bought my textbook yet.

Maybe you should do some googleing? The 802 standards committee develops and maintains pretty much all networking standards. Wireless (I assume you mean WiFi?) is just one standard 802.11. There are working groups for each standard.


Back in my day a short paper was considered 5 to 7 pages and we had to write them in the snow . . . uphill both ways . . . with our own blood!

it's an intro computer course. and the professor has given us the impression he is lazy on the very first day. he didn't teach anything besides going over modules in the tech world. like "what is a super computer, what is a motherboard, what is a data-base. he did that for about an hour and a half.

That sounds so boring (ive had to sit through similar) hopefully it picks up.

he did make it interesting though (He's an old guy who works for IBM) but he went as back as the early 60s and the old days of IBM which was very interesting to know. he reminds me of JJ to a degree, he knew damn near all of IBMs products from the 60s to the present.